Hate Hoax: Man Faked ‘KKK’ Crimes, Abduction

Daytona PD

A man looking to blame President-Elect Donald Trump supporters for a hate crime confessed to police that he fabricated an incident involving a racially-charged message, a fire, and a staged abduction.

Vincent Palmer, 27, told local police in Volusia County, Florida that he wrote a message using racial slurs with with “KKK” and “Trump” references taped to his ex-girlfriend’s car just before throwing a brick through the back window–dousing it in gasoline and setting it ablaze, the Orlando Sentinel reported.

When the woman found her car, she called the police and Palmer came to the scene–though officers noted he was acting suspicious.

Responding officers checked Palmer’s record, finding that he had an outstanding arrest for failing to pay child support. Palmer was subsequently arrested and later released on bail.

The next morning, a relative of Palmer’s called Daytona Police after they received a note apparently written in blood saying, “You will never see your grandson again alive,” with the same letters “KKK” included in the message.

When police went looking for Palmer, they found him at a nearby Burger King, where he confessed to fabricating the original hate hoax and his own abduction, saying the blood on the note was actually his own.

Palmer is being held by police on alleged arson charges.

John Binder is a contributor for Breitbart Texas. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.


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