Texas Police Detain, Release Man Allegedly with Gun at Houston Trump Rally

Trump - man with gun - kprc video
KPRC NBC2 Video Screenshot

Police in Montgomery County, Texas, detained and eventually released a man who  was said to have been found with a handgun near the location of a Trump rally being held in The Woodlands.

Police told Houston’s NBC affiliate, KPRC, they found a man with a handgun on the fourth floor of a parking garage. Sheriff’s deputies took the man into custody and escorted him, in handcuffs, away from the area.

Scott Engle, with the Montgomery County Police Reporter, spoke with Breitbart Texas Friday evening. He said the man was found in the parking garage near The Woodlands Hotel and Conference Center. He reportedly had a handgun in his luggage.

There has been no explanation about what may have aroused the suspicion of police officers or how they determined he had a gun in his luggage.

The man was wearing a Trump t-shirt over a green dress shirt. While he appeared to claim being a Trump supporter, it is not known if that is true or not.

About 30 minutes later, the local TV station found the man back outside, no longer in handcuffs.

KPRC spoke with the man, who would only identify himself as Kenny, and asked him if he had a gun.

“Did you have a gun on you?” KPRC’s Jennifer Bauer asked.

“No, of course not,” Kenny responded.

“So was it a misunderstanding? What happened?” Bauer asked in a follow-up question

“I can’t say. But make America great again. Trump is going to be our next president,” he said.

He told the reporter that police did not want him to answer any additional questions. Police officials told KPRC, “We’re taking him home to his family.”

The Houston Chronicle reported that police and sheriff’s officials in Montgomery County reported they had no knowledge of the event.

Two other people were detained later, the Houston Chronicle reported. A Trump supporter and a protester allegedly exchanged punches and were arrested. Police led the men away in handcuffs.

During the rally, Trump expressed support for the 2nd Amendment and said things might have been different in Orlando if some of the people in the club had been armed. The crowd responded with chants of “USA, USA, USA,” Your Houston News reported. He said Orlando was not about guns. “It’s about terrorism,” Trump said.

Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior political news contributor for Breitbart Texas and is a member of the original Breitbart Texas team. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX.



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