Dallas Anti-Trump Protesters Are Entitled, Vile and Stupid

Make Texas Mexico Again
Breitbart Texas/Lee Stranahan

DALLAS, TEXAS — Donald J. Trump and the Republican National Committee chairman were greeted by an overflow crowd as they came to the Lone Star State. The two came for fundraising events and to rally Texans for the November showdown with Hillary Clinton. Outside the event were hundreds of protesters, including the usual motley assortment of agitator groups, and a heavy contingent of Mexican flag-waving activists.

The protesters’ views and actions ranged from the radical to the ridiculous and everywhere in between: from rainbow-clad clowns running amok to Black Bloc vigilantes — from incoherent Aztlan advocates to Islamic apologists.

More from genius white woman: I ask her where @HumaAbedin is from. Answer: Trump is a Nazi. Because Germany pic.twitter.com/35ePbCNnMY

— Lee Stranahan (@stranahan) June 17, 2016

It’s become routine to see Mexican flags at anti-Trump protests, particularly in southwestern and western states. Dallas was no exception, as a large contingent of protestors organized by the Vote Latino Project came out with preprinted signs and a sizable group of people waving Mexican flags. The protest organizers appeared to have wised up to the fact that many American voters are confused and turned off by the sight of Mexican flags waving, so they also made sure to throw American flags into the mix.

As is typical at these protests, there were clashes with both the police and some pro-Trump activists, but the Dallas police did an excellent job of separating the anti-Trump protestors from the Americans trying to attend the Donald Trump event.

There was also a smattering of Black Bloc and “anti-Fascist” anarchists, including one young man who’s clearly not a fan of Breitbart news.

Despite the recent tragedy in Orlando, apparently some gay activists have still not gotten the idea that Islamic terrorists want to kill them and that Democrat policies will not defend them. The anti-Trump protestors included a notably large contingent of LGBT activists and others who seem to misunderstand who their real enemy is.

Trump has a busy weekend of rallies in the southwest ahead of him, with scheduled appearances in Houston, Las Vegas and Phoenix.


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