Sandra Bland Activist to Texas Trooper: ‘You Tyrannical F**king Pig’ (Graphic Language Warning)

Sandra Bland Activist verbally assaults trooper
Photo: YouTube Video Screenshot

A man claiming to be a Sandra Bland activist and a member of the Anonymous hactivist group sits in jail in Waco after allegedly making threats to kill McLennan County and Waco police officers. Just days before this altercation, he verbally assaulted and threatened a Texas state trooper screaming “You tyrannical f**king pig.”

Scott Fare, the man arrested, says he is a defender of Sandra Bland. It has not been confirmed if the Waco-area man is also upset about the treatment of the arrested Twin Peaks bikers by Waco PD.

Just days ago on August 1st, Fare’s rampage on August 1st with an officer was posted on YouTube. “If you mess with me any further, I will shoot and kill. That is my right,” said Fare in the video. This comment comes at the end of a tirade laced with F-bombs and overly aggressive comments.

Sandra Bland is the woman who was arrested in Waller County, Texas, after an altercation with a Texas Department of Public Safety trooper. The case has received national attention and there have been calls for investigations after she was found dead after 3 days in jail, as reported by Breitbart Texas and Breitbart News. An autopsy ruled she committed suicide. Breitbart Texas was there when the Texas House Committee on County Affairs held a hearing in the State Capitol last week to investigate.

Over 175 individuals were arrested on May 17th in Waco after nine bikers were shot, and approximately 18 people were injured, in shootings at a Twin Peaks restaurant. The Texas criminal defense bar has spoken out about the constitutional violations in McLennan County when 177 bikers were arrested en masse and all charged with engaging in criminal conspiracy and $1 million bonds were set for all of them. Later, a Waco PD officer was named foreman of one of the Waco grand juries. Breitbart Texas has provided continued coverage about the injustices in Waco.

On Wednesday, Fare was arrested after he arrived at the McLennan County jail and threatened to kill sheriff deputies and Waco police officers. According to sources, Fare became as abusive and confrontive as he did in the August 1st YouTube video.

Breitbart Texas spoke with McLennan County Sheriff Parnell McNamara. He said Fare arrived at the McLennan County parking lot and “was threatening to kill our deputies.” He runs up and said “I will kill you,” said the Sheriff. He also said Fare did so “completely unprovoked.”

Fare was videoing officers at the time of his confrontation.

Fare then left in his vehicle and this started a slow pursuit with officers. Parnell said Fare never really sped up.

At one point Fare injured a deputy when the sheriff captain was dragged by Fare’s fleeing vehicle. The officer had his hand on the door handle of the vehicle and he was dragged a short distance. Parnell said the officer has probably dislocated his shoulder.

Parnell said, “We tried to talk some sense in him but he just would not stop.”

The vehicle chase turned into a manhunt when Fare escaped from his car on foot. He was pursued by bloodhounds, horses, and two SWAT teams, the Sheriff said.

After a seven-hour search, Fare was arrested and booked into the McLennan County jail.

Parnell told Breitbart Texas that Fare told him “how respectful” he was to him. The sheriff was with his men during the actual pursuit. Fare also told Parnell that the law enforcement officers were “respectful and helpful.”

As reported by Breitbart Texas, bikers held a rally in Waco in late July protesting their treatment by the Waco police department. At that time, leaders who spoke at the rally said they had no complaint with Sheriff Parnell McNamara and they had been treated justly by him.

Fare hails from Mart, Texas, a small city in Limestone and McLennan counties but part of the Waco area.

Annonymous has announced that August 8th is going to be a “day of rage” for Sandra Bland.

The group “Anonymous” is an international network of activists who are also allegedly associated with/or part of hactivism. Anonymous members are recognized by the white Guy Fawkes masks they wear. Hackers have used computers and computer networks to promote their political agenda.

Fare is in the McClennan County jail in Waco. His bond has been set at $250,000. He has been charged with aggravated assault of a public servant, 3 counts of assault on a public servant, evading arrest by vehicle, and evading arrest on foot, and violent and abusive calls to the 9-1-1 service.

This article has been updated with additional information.

Lana Shadwick is a contributing writer and legal analyst for Breitbart Texas. She has served as a prosecutor and associate judge in Texas. Follow her on Twitter @LanaShadwick2


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