‘Draw Mohammed’ Winner Bosch Fawstin Suspended on Twitter

REUTERS/Dado Ruvic
REUTERS/Dado Ruvic

Former Muslim Bosch Fawstin, who won the “Draw Mohammed” competition in 2015, has been suspended from Twitter.

In an article for Frontpage Mag, Fawstin announced his suspension, claiming the platform accused him of “hateful conduct,” before criticizing Twitter for refusing to sanction Muslim accounts which sent him death threats.

“They’re ignoring my challenges to my suspension, replying that my suspension stands. But unlike last time, they cited a particular tweet/reply of mine to someone on Twitter who took exception to my criticism of Marvel Comics and their Muslim superhero character,” he explained. “If you’re not aware that Marvel Comics is engaging in Islamic propaganda, I’ve been writing against it since they began a number of years ago. Here’s the gist: Marvel’s Muslim superhero comic book, Ms. Marvel, is being published during wartime, while Muslims are on the warpath, and the comic book, which has been around for about four years, completely avoids the Only reason we began to discuss Islam: Jihad.”

“I take great exception to that, as an American and as a cartoonist who writes and draws a comic book that takes on Islam and Jihad, The Infidel, featuring Pigman. If you don’t know, I’m a recovered Muslim, and the winner of the Mohammad Cartoon Contest,” Fawstin continued. “Jihadists came to kill those of us at the event and died for it. I mention this to show that I’m committed to this fight of telling the truth about the enemy and his ideology, despite death threats. And speaking of death threats, I reported two death threats that I got from Muslims on Twitter, and Twitter did Nothing about them, leaving their accounts intact.”

Attempting to access Fawstin’s Twitter account now returns users with a “This account has been suspended” notice.

In 2015, after Fawstin won the Draw Mohammed competition, eBay blocked him from auctioning off the original drawing.

“I was born and raised a Muslim in the Bronx (New York). I have Muslim parents. We went to a mosque relatively rarely, but we were Muslims,” declared Fawstin in a 2015 interview with Breitbart News. “I did receive some flak for leaving Islam, but I didn’t feel like I left anything important behind. I wanted to get the hell out. Islam had no hold on me whatsoever. It wasn’t a heartbreak, I just left.”

“Right after I left Islam, 9/11 happened. I revisited everything. I reread the Koran. I read countless books on jihad, Islam, and Muhammad. I knew as a cartoonist, as an artist, I had a tool to respond to the atrocities. I made sure I knew Islam very well before making any move,” he proclaimed. “I became a follower of Ayn Rand’s philosophy and remain so to this day. Ironically, I went from the most misogynistic philosophy on earth, to that created by a woman. Without her work, I don’t know where the hell I’d be today.”

Charlie Nash is a reporter for Breitbart Tech. You can follow him on Twitter @MrNashington, or like his page at Facebook.


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