Facebook Takes Down Event Page for Anti-Caravan Protest

HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - APRIL 23: Central American immigrants, part of an immigrant "caravan,
John Moore/Getty Images

Facebook has deleted an event page hosted by San Diegans for Secure Borders (SDSB), citing a violation of their community standards. The event was a protest against the caravan of illegal aliens aiming to enter the U.S. from Mexico.

On Thursday, SDSB received an email from Facebook informing them that their event, titled “STOP the Caravan of 1500 Illegal Aliens from Mexico,” had been taken down.

“Our event page had been up for about four weeks and had about 950 people signed up to either attend or ‘interested’ in attending,” said Jeff Schwilk, founder of SDSB.

“There was nothing on it that ‘attacked’ illegal aliens, just the facts about their ongoing scam to claim fake asylum to waltz right into the U.S.  Now it is gone,” he said. ” Zapped for hosting a 100% peaceful and lawful event to oppose the unlawful invasion of our country by up to 1,600 illegal aliens from Central America and Mexico.”

As Breitbart News reported, Facebook recently released their 27-page guide on content moderation. In it, the social network makes it clear that language regarding the “immigration status” of persons might be considered “hate speech.”

Speaking on Breitbart News Tonight with senior editor-at-large Rebecca Mansour, Schwilk said that he was personally put in “Facebook jail” after his event page was suspended: “All of a sudden I woke up yesterday morning, went to my Facebook, and it said ‘you’ve been logged out.'”

“They put me back in Facebook jail for 30 days, again. This is about my fourth time. The other ones have just been for posts or comments that were not in violation of the community standards, but just, somebody saw something they didn’t like [which] they reported. Facebook doesn’t care if it really violates their standards as long as enough people complain, and then they zap it.”

“This time they zapped the whole event. It’s gone. We had over 900 people signed up to either go or interested in going. We had all kinds of discussions and posts going on, active interactions, getting ready for this thing and what we were going to do… Which was, again, 100 percent peaceful, lawful. We were going to go down and have a rally and show that no, the American people are not okay with this.”

“They keep tightening the noose on us,” said Schwilk. “They want us all to leave Facebook, they want us off, so it can be a far-left liberal bastion for the sharing of our ideas. They don’t want our ideas shared.”

Breitbart News has reached out to Facebook for comment.

Allum Bokhari is the senior technology correspondent at Breitbart News. You can follow him on TwitterGab.ai and add him on Facebook. Email tips and suggestions to allumbokhari@protonmail.com.


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