Delingpole: Twitter CEO Praises Article Calling For New ‘Civil War’ in Which Republicans Are Destroyed

This photo taken Nov. 19, 2015, shows Square CEO Jack Dorsey being interviewed on the floo
AP/Richard Drew

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has endorsed an article calling for the Republican party to be wiped out in the U.S. for at least a couple of generations and replaced by a de facto one-party state controlled by well-meaning Democrats.

According to the article’s author – another liberal tech CEO called Peter Leyden – the Republican party is now so morally indefensible on every level that it is equivalent to the Confederacy in the Civil War, which had to be defeated because it was on the “wrong side of history.”

Leyden writes:

Let’s just say what needs to be said: The Republican Party over the past 40 years has maneuvered itself into a position where they are the bad guys on the wrong side of history. For a long time, they have been able to hide this fact through a sophisticated series of veils, invoking cultural voodoo that fools a large enough number of Americans to stay in the game. However, Donald Trump has laid waste to that sophistication and has given America and the world the raw version of what current conservative politics is all about.

The Republican Party is all about rule by and for billionaires at the expense of working people. Trump is literally the incarnation of what the party stands for: shaping laws for the good of billionaires and the 1 percent. His cabinet is stuffed with them.

The Republican Party is the party of climate change denial. Trump is the denier-in-chief, but there are 180 climate science deniers in the current Congress (142 in the House and 38 in the Senate), and none of them are Democrats. More than 59 percent of Republicans in the House and 73 percent of Republicans in the Senate deny the scientific consensus that climate change is happening, that human activity is the main cause, and that it is a serious threat. Another way to say it is that the Republican Party is in the pocket of the oil and carbon energy industry. Trump just cut through the crap and named Exxon’s CEO as our secretary of state to unravel the United Nations climate accords. No beating around that bush for the sake of appearances — Trump burned the bush down.

Jack Dorsey is now busily trying to row back from suggestions that when he wrote “great read” he was in any way endorsing the liberal-fascist sentiment of Leyden’s extraordinary, anti-democratic screed.

Yeah, right, Jack. You were just using “great read” in the unusual sense of “I totally disagree with every word of this bizarro rant.”

I’m sure all those conservatives concerned about Twitter’s censorship of right-wing opinion and its relentless liberal bias will feel so much better knowing that you think of them as an enemy quite beyond the pale of civilized discourse.

“Civility of public conversation as long as you’re on the left”, I think you meant to say…


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