Reddit Moderators Censor Poll Showing Trump Leading over Clinton


Moderators of Reddit’s default political subreddit, /r/Politics, have removed a poll showing Donald Trump leading over Hillary Clinton by 2%.

The poll was posted to /r/Politics by user /u/G_petronius and was titled “CNN/ORC Sept 6: Clinton 43% Trump 45% Johnson 7% Stein 2%,” but was removed by /r/Politics moderator /u/ecafyelims under the ruling that the title of the post must be the exact same as the title of the story it linked to.

There’s one issue though — the original link didn’t have a title.

The post linked to a PDF that didn’t feature a title of any kind. When /u/G_petronius asked the moderator what would be an acceptable title, the moderator said that he should simply have titled it “CNN ORC International Poll.” However, when the user re-submitted the poll with the newly suggested title, it was removed from the subreddit yet again under the rule that it was a “repost,” despite the original post having been deleted.

This isn’t the first time that /r/Politics mods have been accused of being biased against information that could be seen as favoring Trump. As Breitbart has previously reported, a moderator was removed from his position on the subreddit due to his support of the Republican presidential candidate and was even temporarily banned from the site. Reddit administrators have also been accused of censoring Donald Trump’s AMA on the site.

Many Silicon Valley tech companies have taken a harsh stance against Donald Trump, with 145 tech company leaders signing an open letter expressing their disdain and anger with the presidential candidate.

Lucas Nolan is a conservative who regularly contributes articles on censorship and free speech to Breitbart. Follow him on Twitter@LucasNolan_ or email him at


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