We Spoke To The Guy Who Yelled ‘Pepe’ During Hillary Clinton’s Alt-Right Speech

Mike Ma

Hillary Clinton’s alt-right speech yesterday has already been forgotten by most people. It was low energy, littered with untruths, and purposely deceptive in her attempts at branding a broad movement as an evil, racist terrorist group.

There were a few fun things about it though.

The first being the moment when Clinton read out Milo Yiannopoulos’ Breitbart headlines while the audience gasped and screamed in agony.

The second was the moment when a man in the crowd was ejected for yelling “PEPE!”, the name of the iconic green frog meme that has become the alt-right’s mascot, as soon as she mentioned the movement.

Meet Sean, the Pepe guy. He was ejected from Hillary’s event soon after the meme-scream heard around the world, but has no regrets.

“I proudly consider myself a member of the Alt Right…now saying that, or admitting that publicly has its drawbacks because of the false narrative being peddled by the regressive left that the Alt Right is all Neo-Nazi Russian Agents, hell bent on establishing a White Supremacist world takeover, all bullshit” said Sean in an interview with me.

“I call myself alt right because the conservative establishment right in this country does not represent my views, they are just as much to blame for the disaster taking place in America as the left, the alt right to me is fiscal responsibility, secure borders, enforcement of immigration laws, ending the PC culture, and promoting AMERICA FIRST (Not Sharia First)” he continued.

“If you come to this country legally, follow the laws, learn our language, and love the country, you are equal, no matter your color, or religion. Basically alt-right is to separate ourselves from the failing establishment right.”

Sean attended Clinton’s rally in Reno, Nevada, to see just what Clinton would say about the movement.

“I had been planning on attending since I first read she was coming to Reno, originally I had no intention of doing anything other than documenting the event on Periscope… then she started attacking a true patriot, and someone I really look up to, Alex Jones” claimed Sean.

“Misrepresenting his Sandy Hook stance, misrepresenting what a ‘False Flag’ is and discrediting his history of great work, so I let out a cheer when she mentioned his name, and when she was done with her talking point, I yelled “InfoWars.com!”.

“She also attacked Breitbart and Steve Bannon personally, trying to discredit him and Breitbart, which has some of the best reporting on the net, along with InfoWars and Drudge. To name drop all these sites tells me that her campaign is in panic mode and is getting desperate.

“As for the ‘Pepe’ shout… She gave me the opening by saying “alt right” with a bit of a pause, so I pounced. It was just to kind of throw off her false narrative and a shout out to the fellow patriots on “Frog Twitter” for all their hard work in trying to get Donald Trump into the White House. About 3 seconds after I screamed “Pepe”, I was escorted out by Secret Service”.


You can watch Sean’s Periscope footage from the event here.

Charlie Nash is a reporter for Breitbart Tech. You can follow him on Twitter @MrNashington or like his page at Facebook.


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