‘SJWList’ Aims to Catalog Prominent Social Justice Warriors

Mark Schierbecker/YouTube
Mark Schierbecker/YouTube

Sci-fi author, game designer, and provocateur Theodore Beale (aka Vox Day) is never far from controversy. His latest project, a crowdsourced attempt to catalogue every social justice warrior (left-wing political activists known for their intolerant attitudes) in existence is no exception.

The project, called “SJWlist,” describes itself as a resource to “help SJW-converged organizations locate and identify Social Justice Warriors they wish to hire or otherwise support.” However, critics of Vox Day are calling it a blacklist. Even some opponents of SJWs have distanced themselves from the project.

The 200-strong list already features some of the most notorious names in the world of social justice activism. It includes Australian feminist Clementine Ford, known for getting a man fired over a Facebook comment; Melissa Click, known for her attempt to use physical force to expel a student journalist from a public demonstration; and Randi Lee Harper, known for inciting reputation-destroying internet mobs against her political and personal rivals.

Given SJWs’ penchant for destroying the lives and careers of their opponents, Vox Day’s defenders argue that tracking their activities is a relatively mild response. Day’s recent book, SJWs Always Lie, instructs opponents of the regressive left-wing activists to always “punch back twice as hard,” and defenders of Day argue that this is precisely what SJWlist is doing.

Other critics of the regressive left take issue with using their own tactics against them, however. Andrea Shepard, a writer at Status 451, the group blog that recently thwarted SJW attempts to torpedo a tech conference over their invitation of an influential right-wing thinker, published a post condemning Day’s project as a “blacklist.”

“We must resist the growing atmosphere of pressure to fall into line with one side or the other, with instant mendacious vilification as the penalty for failure to conform,” wrote Shepard.

Former Business Insider CTO Pax Dickinson, whose early victimization at the hands of tech SJWs was chronicled by Reason’s Cathy Young, disagreed with Shepard’s stance. “Lukewarm moderates are pretty sh** allies,” he wrote on Twitter.

Despite the divided opinions, it can’t be said that SJWlist hasn’t made a splash. The site received more than 25,000 views on its first day of existence, and has already been covered — albeit disparagingly — in New York magazine

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