
Iowa Woman Missing After Crossing into Mexican Border City

Authorities in Mexico confirmed the disappearance of a U.S. citizen from Iowa who had been missing for several days after crossing the border. The disappearance comes at a time when government officials continue to claim that security conditions have been improving. However, criminal organizations like the Gulf Cartel can operate with almost complete impunity.

Reynosa Body in Ice Chest

GRAPHIC PHOTOS: Ranch in Mexican Border City Turned into Cartel Killing Field

Cartel gunmen used a ranch in northern Mexico as a killing field where they tortured, murdered, and incinerated a large number of victims with complete impunity. The discovery comes as corrupt government officials at the state and federal level in Mexico refuse to target drug cartels and criminal organizations. At the same time, government officials claim security conditions are improving under their regime.

Gulf Cartel Ranch

Mexican Marines Kill 10 Cartel Gunmen During Clash in Border State

Mexican military forces killed ten Gulf Cartel gunmen in one hour during two fierce clashes just south of the Texas border. The fighting comes while the Gulf Cartel has been responsible for numerous shootouts along several border cities as the criminal organization wages an internal turf war.

Mexican Marine

Three Kidnap Victims Rescued After Border City Shootout in Mexico

REYNOSA, Tamaulipas – State police officers in Mexico rescued three kidnapping victims after a shootout with suspected cartel gunmen in the border city of Reynosa. The rescue took place early on Friday morning when Tamaulipas state police officers patrolling the central part

Gopes 2

Shootouts, Armed Robberies Plague Border City in Mexico

Shootouts, carjackings, armed robberies, and other violent crimes plague the Mexican border city of Reynosa as two rival factions of the Gulf Cartel fight for control. The violence in the region continues despite claims by government officials of a decrease in crime.

Reynosa Main

FOTOS — Policías Estatales Heroicamente Cubren a Niño Herido Durante Fuerte Balacera en Ciudad Fronteriza

REYNOSA, Tamaulipas — Un grupo de policías estatales de este estado fronterizo rescato a dos niños durante una fuerte balacera utilizó sus cuerpos para proteger a dos niños pequeños durante un tiroteo feroz, uno de los niños resultó herido. Los agentes de policía protegieron a los niños pequeños mientras luchaban contra varios pistoleros del cártel hasta que pudieron llevar a los niños al personal médico de emergencia.

Reynosa Cops 2

PHOTOS — Mexican Cops Shield Wounded Toddler During Border City Shootout

REYNOSA, Tamaulipas — A squad of state police officers used their bodies to shield two toddlers during a fierce firefight. One child was wounded during the clash. The police officers shielded the toddlers as they fought off various cartel gunmen until they were able to get the children to emergency medical personnel.

Reynosa Cops 2

Sicarios Dejan Bolsas Con Cuerpos Desmembrados en Ciudad Fronteriza

REYNOSA, Tamaulipas – Sicarios arrojaron dos costales con partes humanas fuera de una de las gasolineras de esta ciudad fronteriza. La sangrienta escena del crimen se produce después de que se vivieron varios días de relativa paz, luego de varios meses de feroces batallas y una escalada de violencia donde grupos rivales del Cártel del Golfo lucharon por el control regional.

Reynosa Bags

Cartel Gunmen Dump Bags of Dismembered Bodies in Mexican Border City

REYNOSA, Tamaulipas — Cartel gunmen dumped two large bags filled with dismembered body parts outside a local gas station. The gory scene follows several days of relative peace after months of fierce gun battles and escalating violence between rival factions of the Gulf Cartel.

Reynosa Bags

Cárteles Recurren a Nuevas Tácticas de Secuestro en Ciudad Fronteriza

REYNOSA, Tamaulipas – Los ciudadanos de esta ciudad fronteriza que han vivido años la violencia de los cárteles, ahora tienen que lidiar con una serie de secuestros mientras miembros del cártel buscan diversificar sus ingresos. Las víctimas en los secuestros recientes no están relacionadas con el crimen organizado sino parecen ser ciudadanos regulares, principalmente mujeres.

Tamaulipas police

Cartel Develops New Kidnapping Tactics in Mexican Border City

REYNOSA, Tamaulipas — The citizens of this border city who lived through years of violence are now facing a series of kidnappings as cartel members look to diversify their income sources. The victims in the recent kidnappings are not personally linked to organized crime but appear to be average citizens–primarily women.

Tamaulipas police

Autoridades Estatales Mexicanas Rescatan Animales de Narco-Zoológico

REYNOSA, Tamaulipas — Autoridades de este estado fronterizo rescataron a docenas de animales exóticos que habían sido abandonados en un zoológico que se sospecha pudiera estar relacionado con el Cartel del Golfo. Durante una redada por las autoridades, los investigadores no solo encontraron animales débiles y desnutridos, sino que también incautaron diversas cantidades de drogas, incluidas marihuana y cocaína.

Narco Zoo

Mexican Authorities Rescue Exotic Animals from Border City Narco-Zoo

REYNOSA, Tamaulipas — Authorities in this border state rescued dozens of exotic animals left behind at an abandoned zoo believed to be linked to the Gulf Cartel. The raid yielded injured, malnourished animals and various quantities of drugs including marijuana and cocaine.

Narco Zoo