Bashar al-Assad

Bashar al-Assad Rant: ‘No Evidence’ for the Holocaust; U.S. Aided Nazis

Syrian dictator Bashar Assad gave a speech on Monday in which he said the Jews in Palestine are pagan foreigners, not the biblical children of Israel, there is “no evidence” the Nazis killed six million Jews in the Holocaust, the Holocaust was just a pretext for moving European Jews into “Palestine,” and America was behind the rise of the Nazis before World War II.

Syria President Bashar al-Assad addresses reporters following his meeting with French Pres

Bashar Assad Tells Moscow He Wants More Russian Bases in Syria

Syrian dictator Bashar Assad during a visit to Moscow this week wholeheartedly supported Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, offering his government’s official recognition of the phony “independent republics” Russia carved out of eastern Ukraine, and said he would like more Russian forces stationed permanently in Syria.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, right, listens to Syrian President Bashar Assad during t

China Celebrates Syria’s Sham Election as U.S. Defeat

China’s state-run Global Times on Tuesday pronounced the utterly corrupt “re-election” of brutal Syrian dictator Bashar Assad to be a “U.S. failure in Mideast intervention” and a triumph for China’s “policy of non-intervention for regional stability.”

Syria President Bashar al-Assad addresses reporters following his meeting with French Pres