Dome of the Rock

Israel Says Still Wants Temple Mount Cameras After Jordan Reneges

Israel remains in favour of installing security cameras at the Al-Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem, even after Jordan reneged on the project due to Palestinian reservations, a senior official said Tuesday. “Israel’s support for placing cameras on the Temple Mount

ramadan israel

Fatah: Israel Forces Palestinians to Commit Murder

JERUSALEM – Israel is “forcing” young Palestinians to murder Israelis, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah movement tweeted on Sunday, according to a translation by Palestinian Media Watch. “Leave our land, you, your occupation, and your soldiers, and let us

Palestinian protesters carry knives and the national flag during a demonstration in the Ja

Israel and Jordan In Dispute Over Temple Mount Cameras

TEL AVIV – More than three months after Jordan and Israel agreed to install cameras on the Temple Mount, the two sides are still stuck at an impasse amid disputes, Haaretz reported. The security measure was aimed at de-escalating tensions on

TEL AVIV - An Israeli court on Monday ruled that Jewish visitors to Jerusalem's Temple Mou