Nolte: Fascist NY Times Tries to Bully YouTube Into Blacklisting Popular Conservatives
The New York Times launched a McCarthyite attack on popular conservative podcasters to bully YouTube into blacklisting them.

The New York Times launched a McCarthyite attack on popular conservative podcasters to bully YouTube into blacklisting them.
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) engineered some post-Independence Day fireworks by securing appearances from two executives whose companies are allegedly colluding to silence conservative voices in violation of antitrust laws.
Popular conservative host Tucker Carlson interviewed conservative commentator Candace Owens on Wednesday about her dispute with Daily Wire founder Ben Shapiro, which burst into the open when a video of him criticizing her was made public.
Ted Cruz is accustomed to publicly shaming members of the left on social media. But the Texas Republican was in rare form on Tuesday, when he hilariously mocked socialist Bernie Sanders for his attempt to thwart MLB’s attempt to shut down dozens of minor league baseball clubs.
Earlier this year, BuzzFeed invited two antisemites who want to see Israel “demolished” to write on its platform.
Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro conceded he may have been “DESTROYED” after walking out of an ill-tempered interview with BBC interrogator-in-chief Andrew Neil.
Thousands of pro-life activists will gather on the National Mall on Friday for the anniversary of the United States Supreme Court Roe v. Wade decision that made abortion on demand the law of the land in 1973.
President Donald Trump’s campaign for the White House created the greatest presidential upset in recent memory, but it also gave rise to the Never Trump “conservative.”
Members of NeverTrump — conservative pundits who said they would never vote for Donald Trump — are celebrating President Donald Trump’s attack Wednesday on Breitbart News executive chairman Steve Bannon.
The remnants of the #NeverTrump movement, made up of conservatives who swore never to support Donald Trump for president, generally acknowledged that Trump had done something special on Wednesday when he recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and directed the State Department to begin moving the embassy there.
Leftists and NeverTrumpers took to Twitter to ridicule President Donald Trump and his supporters over a possible DACA deal that many feel represents Trump abandoning his voter base.
This week’s biggest political controversies exposed fault lines within the country’s major political factions, with the right fighting about civil disobedience while the left fought over the attempted murder of a Republican Congressman.
Mohamed Mohamed, the father of “Clock Boy” Ahmed Mohamed, has filed a defamation lawsuit against The Blaze, Glenn Beck, Fox Television Stations, LLC, Texas resident Ben Ferguson, Ben Shapiro, and City of Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne. He has filed the lawsuit individually, and on behalf of his son Ahmed Mohamed.
Senator Ted Cruz revealed Friday that he would “vote his conscience” by endorsing Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump. For the small but vocal group remaining in the “Never Trump” crowd, the news was devastating.
The Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro has an interesting alternative theory about Ted Cruz’s speech to the Republican National Convention on Wednesday night: the Donald Trump campaign “orchestrated the boos.” Cruz camp confirms: Trump approved speech; Cruz was negotiating to help
Radio host Dennis Prager calls out the “Never Trump” movement for failing to articulate a compelling argument to deny their support for the Republican presidential nominee.
Come home, Ben!
Fox News host Greta Van Susteren took to Twitter to blast anyone encouraging Michelle Fields to pursue a legal case against Donald Trump’s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski.
Monday on Fox News Channel’s “The Kelly File,” host Megyn Kelly interviewed former Breitbart editor at large Ben Shapiro, who abruptly resigned from Breitbart News in the midst of a controversy involving an alleged assault by Corey Lewandowski, the campaign
On Thursday night, Breitbart News senior editor-at-large and Daily Wire editor-in-chief Ben Shapiro appeared on The Kelly File on Fox News to discuss Breitbart News reporter Michelle Fields’ alleged assault at the hands of Donald Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski. Opposing him was David Wohl, an attorney and Trump supporter.
On Friday, Breitbart News Editor-At-Large and Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro unleashed a video broadside against 2016 Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump.
I have spoken at college campuses for well over a decade. I’ve been booed, protested, targeted for hate mail. I have never seen or experienced anything like the near-riot that occurred at California State University in Los Angeles on Thursday afternoon when I came to speak.
Several dozen students staged a sit-in at the office of California State University Los Angeles president William A. Covino on Thursday evening, demanding that he resign for allowing Ben Shapiro to speak at the school earlier in afternoon.
Breitbart News editor Ben Shapiro delivered a speech to the Young America’s Foundation at California State University Los Angeles on Thursday afternoon, despite initial efforts by the university to shut down the event.
Members of the California State University Los Angeles Black Student Union assaulted Breitbart News journalist Adelle Nazarian on Thursday as she tried to cover their protest against a lecture by Breitbart News editor Ben Shapiro.
After California State University Los Angeles staged protests over CSULA Young Americans for Freedom chapter’s decision to host Ben Shapiro for a lecture sponsored by Young America’s Foundation’s Fred R. Allen Lecture Series titled, “When Diversity Becomes a Problem,” the president
On Monday evening, just three days before Breitbart News Senior Editor-At-Large was scheduled to give his speech at California State University Los Angeles (CSULA) titled “When Diversity Becomes a Problem,” the president of the university officially cancelled the lecture, citing the need to organize a more “inclusive event.”
A Black Lives Matter activist who is also a professor at California State University Los Angeles (CSULA) is threatening Breitbart News senior editor-at-large Ben Shapiro and the conservative Young America’s Foundation (YAF) in advance of Shapiro’s lecture at the school on February 25.
An assistant professor in the sociology department at California State University Los Angeles (CSULA) reportedly tore down flyers placed on a hallway bulletin board by a conservative student group and called campus police as he accused the student group of “death threats” he had received.
There is a real conservative case for Donald Trump. And I say this as an observer who has been skeptical of Trump from the start.
In the January issue of the Limbaugh Letter, Rush Limbaugh conducted a six-page interview with Breitbart News senior editor-at-large Ben Shapiro. The interview covered everything from Donald Trump to the Republican Party’s inability to break through with young voters.
Back in 2002, in the dark ages before Breitbart News Network, the great conservative commentator Ben Shapiro warned that the United States must “Keep an eye on Russia,” because “Russia is renewing her relations with America’s enemies.” Shapiro reiterated his message in 2007, warning America that “Russia isn’t to be trusted.”
Following the Republican debate on Wednesday, Breitbart News senior editor-at-large and editor-in-chief Ben Shapiro got into a Twitter battle with comedian and Ratatouille star Patton Oswalt.
On Tuesday night, the candidates vying for the Republican nomination for president gathered at the Venetian Hotel on the Las Vegas Strip for the last GOP debate of 2015. Below are some observations from various conservative and Republican leaders around the Golden State.
On Tuesday afternoon, Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large and Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro spoke at Otay Ranch High School, near San Diego. A capacity crowd of over 450 students turned out to hear the speech, sponsored by Young America’s Foundation, at the largely-minority public school. They listened with interest – until a school administrator, Dean Nafarrete, dismissed the students halfway through the speech, telling them that Shapiro’s conservatism “crossed a line.”
Ben Shapiro’s speech Thursday evening at the University of Missouri was a galvanizing moment for the campus and community that became the national focus of media attention in early November after a group of radical black liberation activists, assisted by leftist faculty members, forced the resignation of the university’s president and chancellor.
On Thursday night, Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large and Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro delivered a speech titled ‘Truth Is a Microaggression’ at the University of Missouri.
Breitbart Senior Editor-at-Large and Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro is set to deliver a lecture at the racial turmoil-beset University of Missouri campus Thursday evening. But before he left for Mizzou, Shapiro warmed up Wednesday night by speaking to University of Southern California students about the rise of anti-Israel bias on college campuses nationwide.
On Thursday night, Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large and Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro will be speaking at the University of Missouri. His lecture, sponsored by Young America’s Foundation, is scheduled to take place at Ellis Auditorium on the Columbia campus at 6 PM Central Time. The talk is titled “Truth Is A Microaggression.”
As the University of Missouri continues to simmer with racial unrest and students continue to crack down on free speech in the name of stopping “white privilege” and “microaggression,” Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Ben Shapiro is heading to campus to challenge the students.