Chris Christie disputes weight loss report

STAMFORD, Conn., Sept. 24 (UPI) —

Chris Christie says a report in the New York Times about his weight loss is inaccurate, but won’t correct the record.

The New Jersey governor, who by all accounts appears to be preparing for a presidential run in 2016, had secret lap-band surgery in February. He confirmed having the surgery in May, after he noticeably began slimming down.

In Monday’s edition of "First Draft," Times reporter Nicholas Confessore said Christie told the closed-door crowd at David Koch’s Upper East Side apartment that he was down 85 pounds.

"A guest told us that Mr. Christie was pressed by donors about his health," Confessore reported. "He did not reveal his current weight, although he said he understood he had to slim down if he wanted to move beyond Trenton."

On Tuesday, Christie told ABC News the number is "wrong."

"First off, I don’t talk about numbers and so the report in the New York Times was I can tell you this much it wasn’t accurate, but I’m not going to tell you why it wasn’t accurate," Christie said. "I don’t talk about that stuff and the reason I don’t is because that’s my business and not anybody else’s."

As he has frequently said since revealing the operation, Christie insisted there was no political motivation behind his decision to go under the knife.

"As far as being an inspiration for other people, that’s not why I am doing it. I decided to do what I’ve done because I needed to do it for my own health," he said. "I got elected to office at my previous size and it didn’t seem to bother the voters of New Jersey twice so the people who say it’s about politics are just wrong, it’s about living a healthier life and being healthier and being able to stay around longer."


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