Police: Dog poop argument led to knife attack

ANNAPOLIS, Md., Feb. 25 (UPI) —

A Maryland woman was arrested for allegedly attacking her neighbor with a knife during an argument about dog poop, police said.

Annapolis police said officers responded to a residence in the city around 6:30 p.m. Sunday and the 59-year-old victim told officers neighbor Tameka Dareese Wright, 36, had become angry when asked to pick up dog feces the victim believed to have come from Wright’s dog, the Capital, Annapolis, reported Tuesday.

Wright allegedly retrieved a knife from her home during the argument and swung it at the other woman, causing a laceration to her hand, police said.

Police said there were several witnesses to the incident.

Wright was arrested on charges of first and second-degree assault, possession of a dangerous weapon with intent to injure and reckless endangerment.


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