Formula 1 Grid Girls Slam Feminists Who Put Them Out of Work

GTY Grid Girls
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Late last month feminists celebrated a victory, after convincing Formula 1 racing to get rid of its gird girls. Now the women who lost their jobs are slamming the feminists for their unwanted interference.

At the end of January, Formula 1 announced that it had decided to end its use of the pretty models who interact with the crowd and carry the names of sponsors on their clothing. The grid girls will be gone commencing with the new season which starts at the end of March.

“While the practice of employing grid girls has been a staple of Formula 1 grands prix for decades, we feel this custom does not resonate with our brand values and clearly is at odds with modern day societal norms,” said managing director of commercial operations Sean Bratches.

“We don’t believe the practice is appropriate or relevant to Formula 1 and its fans, old and new, across the world,” Bratches added.

But now the women who have just lost their jobs are slamming the decision and the interference of the feminists who lobbied the sport to fire the girls.

According to Business Insider:

Rebecca Cooper, a five-time F1 grid girl, said on Twitter that it is “ridiculous that women who say they are ‘fighting for women’s rights’ are saying what others should and shouldn’t do, stopping us from doing a job we love and are proud to do. [It is] political correctness gone mad.”

Cooper also implied that grid girls have been misrepresented and put together a photograph collage to highlight that women who work in her trade are not “scantily clad furniture” and that the outfits are more modest.

Another grid girl took to Facebook to slam the move. Grid girl Michelle Westby said:

“If it wasn’t for grid work / promotional modeling, I wouldn’t be where I am now in a ‘male dominated’ sport and job as a stunt driver and drift competition driver, inspiring and influencing females into this ‘intimidating male environment.’ I get girls messaging me all the time saying how I inspire them and made them want to get into racing and drifting when they didn’t think they would be accepted… What people don’t realize, is that the girls have knowledge of the products and teams they are promotion — that’s part of the job. We get a brief on the uniform but it’s up to us if we feel comfortable in it. We are more clothed than what teenagers wear down the supermarkets. I’m now retired but to think girls have lost a lot of important income because feminists think they know best, when they really haven’t got a clue, is frustrating.”

One of the groups that agitated to force the firing of the girls was Britain’s Women’s Sport Trust. The group has been trying to get several British sports leagues to end the use of models during events. Several days ago the group celebrated victory when both the British Professional Dart Corporation and Formula 1 acquiesced to dumping the models.

Several models that lost their job took to social media to criticize those who got them fired.

Follow Warner Todd Huston on Twitter @warnerthuston.


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