Philly Eagles Quarterback Carson Wentz Grounded by His Faith in Jesus

Eagles QB Carson Wentz sharing at The Shift in Fargo, North Dakota. (Photo Courtesy: Twitt
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Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Carson Wentz loves football and Jesus Christ, not necessarily in that order.

The second-year signal-caller recently gave a sermon at the First Assembly Church in Fargo, North Dakota, his hometown.

“The myth in our world, in our society,” Wentz told the parishioners on June 28 according to WDAY TV in Fargo, “and even in the church, is that if I just have faith in Jesus, and I do enough good, that I’ll have salvation. You see that’s wrong.

“The truth is faith alone in Jesus Christ is what equals salvation plus the works. It’s not just for the pastors to tell the world about Jesus. They can’t reach the majority of people that we can. We all have to work together to make a difference.”

He quoted Ephesians 2:8-10 in his sermon, which reads, “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”

Wentz, the Eagles’ first round pick in 2016, became very religious as a North Dakota State freshman.

“You raise the young man to go to church, but a little light came on his freshman year,” his father Doug Wentz told the Forum News Service in Fargo. “He tackles that just like he does buying a hunting dog. He learns and he digs.”

Carson Wentz’s deep faith helped keep him patient as he sat on the bench his first two years at NDSU.

“Faith has always been No. 1 in my life,” Carson Wentz told FNS. “I think my faith throughout college made me patient as I waited my turn. It got me through my injury (broken wrist in 2015) without a doubt. And throughout this process, it helped me to not let this thing blow up and get caught up in it all.”

And he potentially could have a lot of fame and fortune to “get caught up in.”

Wentz flashed star potential during his rookie season in 2016, tossing 16 touchdowns as he learned on the job. He is right out of central casting to be a special NFL quarterback with perfect size (6-5, 237), a great arm, a tremendous work ethic, impeccable character and top-shelf intelligence.

But if Wentz becomes a NFL superstar quarterback, don’t expect that to change him.

“[His faith] will keep him level-headed,” his cousin Connor Wentz told FNS. “I think it will keep him grounded and down-to-earth, whereas a lot of those guys once they go pro they go crazy. His faith will keep him down-to-earth.”


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