Hillary Clinton on Cubs World Series Victory: ‘I’ve Been a Fan All My Life’

Hillary Clinton Yankees Hat (Susan Walsh / Associated Press)
Susan Walsh / Associated Press

Hillary Clinton celebrated the Chicago Cubs victory in the World Series last night, telling voters in North Carolina that she had been a fan of the team her whole life.

“I was a little anxious during my speech because the Cubs were playing in the world series,” she said. “I have been a fan all my life, started watching baseball with my dad, went to Wrigley Field.”

Clinton noted that it had been 108 years since the Cubs won the World Series, and said she wished her late father could have seen it.

“Last night was very special on lots of fronts,” she said. “And who knows, maybe we will see even more history made in a few days,” she said.

The Clinton campaign spread images of Hillary watching the amazing finish in Game 7 of the World Series last night, prompting a more than a few skeptics who recalled Clinton’s self-professed love of the New York Yankees while living in New York City.

Chicago’s Lynn Sweet has the definitive breakdown of Clinton’s baseball flip-flopping, but one interview in particular stands out.

“The fact is, I’ve always been a Yankees fan,” Clinton said in an interview with NBC’s Katie Couric in 1998, telling viewers that “as a young girl, I became very interested and enamored of the Yankees.”



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