Breitbart News Daily: Politics of Healthcare Reform


On the Monday edition of Breitbart News Daily, broadcast live on SiriusXM Patriot Channel 125 from 6AM to 9AM Eastern, Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow will continue our discussion of the Trump administration’s agenda.

Thomas P. Miller of the American Enterprise Institute and veteran pollster Pat Caddell will join us to discuss the political and policy debates surrounding the Senate’s healthcare reform bill.

Dan Gainor of the Media Research Center will discuss the media reaction to the GOP’s latest healthcare bill, as well as the fallout from actor Johnny Depp’s assassination comments.

Peter Schweizer, author of the bestselling book Clinton Cash and President of the Government Accountability Institute, will discuss CNN’s retraction of a fake news story linking Trump to Russia.

Live from London, Rome, and Jerusalem, Breitbart correspondents will provide updates on the latest international news.

Breitbart News Daily is the first live, conservative radio enterprise to air seven days a week. SiriusXM Vice President for news and talk Dave Gorab called the show “the conservative news show of record.”

Follow Breitbart News on Twitter for live updates during the show. Listeners may call into the show at: 866-957-2874.


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