John Bolton: ‘If I Were Going to Pick a Day for the Next Terrorist Attack … It Would Be the Fourth of July’

Fourth of July food Getty

Asked if Barack Obama’s weak responses to recent terrorist attacks encourage more attacks, Former UN Ambassador John Bolton told Breitbart News Daily SiriusXM host Stephen K. Bannon that it’s “guaranteed.”

Bolton added:

And let’s look ahead a few days here. We’re about to celebrate the Fourth of July. I hope people all over the country are remembering how much ISIS and al-Qaeda and the other terrorist groups like to take advantage of big days like this. If I were going to pick a day for the next terrorist attack, unfortunately, it would be the Fourth of July.

“I’m very worried about it, an attack in this country,” admitted Bolton.

As for the recently released Benghazi report, Bolton faulted former Speaker John Boehner for delaying the investigation and not appointing a special committee, as well as the administration for stonewalling, yielding a less than satisfactory result. Said Bolton, “If you have an administration that’s determined to keep the truth from coming out, unfortunately, they’re likely to be successful.”

He also said the State Department needs “a cultural revolution” as part of a complete reform if it is ever to be effective again.

Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.


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