Watch: Dallas Police Chief Tells Rioters to Stop Attacking Police

Screenshot via @obedmanuel
Screenshot via @obedmanuel

Dallas, Texas, Police Chief Reneé Hall told rioters to stop attacking police officers during protests occurring on Friday evening.

In the video captured by Dallas Morning News reporter Obed Manuel, Hall tells a protestor not to attack the police, describing an incident where an office was hit with a rock by a rioter.

“We’re giving you the street, we’re giving you the sidewalk, we’re not asking you for anything, we’re not telling you to move. But don’t hit my folks. Don’t hit my folks,” Hall said. “Okay? Somebody threw a rock at my officer. Don’t do that. Don’t do that.”

“You guys can have the street, you can walk all night long,” Hall continued. “And we’re going to be out here to make sure nothing happens to you. But don’t hit my people.”

“You’re destroying our property, we’re not going to let you do that,” Hall said.

Riots and protests first started this week in Minneapolis, Minnesota as a response to resident George Floyd dying in police custody. Footage of the incident showed an officer, Derek Chauvin, kneeling on Floyd’s neck as he laid on the ground in handcuffs.

Breitbart News is following live the riots and protests across the United States.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.


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