Poll: Plurality Agrees with Trump’s ‘Border Crisis’ Description

Stuck at US border, caravan migrants losing hope

President Donald Trump has more public support for his argument that the nation is facing a border crisis than Democrats have for their claim that the nation is merely facing a “problem” on the border, according to a Morning Consult poll released Tuesday evening.

Forty-two percent of voters say the “U.S. is facing a crisis,” while only 37 percent say the “U.S. is facing a problem,” according to the poll of 1,989 registered voters, which was conducted with Politico.

Amid the flows of migrants and drugs from Central America, 12 percent say the U.S. “isn’t facing a problem or crisis,” according to the poll, which was conducted January 4 to 6.

Trump’s “crisis” argument is backed by 72 percent of Republicans, 37 percent of independents, and 19 percent of Democrats.

The Democrats’ “problem” rhetoric is backed by 19 percent of Republicans, 37 percent of independents, and 52 percent of Democrats.

Twenty-one percent of Democrats — but just four percent of Republicans and ten percent of independents — say the cross-border flow of cheap labor and drug-smuggling is neither a problem nor a crisis.

The poll is bad news for Democrats, who are increasingly claiming there is no border crisis that President Trump can cite to declare a national emergency and then build a border wall with unspent funds.

However, a series of lawyers admitted to establishment media outlets that existing laws provide Trump with the legal authority to build a wall after declaring a national emergency.

The poll also showed 44 percent support for a border wall and 47 percent opposition to a border wall. Eighty-three percent of Republicans and 13 percent of Democrats support the wall, while 83 percent of Democrats and 14 percent of Republicans oppose the wall.

However, the poll also shows lopsided opposition to government shutdowns. Sixty-five percent of voters say “Presidents should take all necessary steps to avoid a government shutdown. They should achieve their policy goals another way,” while 22 percent said, “Presidents should allow a temporary government shutdown if it helps them achieve their policy goals.”

Twenty-nine percent said Trump has done enough to foster agreement, while 52 percent said he has not done enough to avert a shutdown.


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