Large boa constrictor removed from SUV undercarriage in Pennsylvania

KINGSTON, Pa., July 15 (UPI) — A huge snake that slithered into the undercarriage of a parked SUV in Pennsylvania was removed by a herpatologist with help from a bystander.

Herpatologist Cameron English was summoned to the Geisinger Kingston medical building Thursday in Kingston on a report of a snake that crawled into the undercarriage of Katie Hauer’s Mercury Mountaineer.

English said the snake was reported as a “python,” but he was expecting a rat snake. However, he arrived on the scene and made a different identification altogether.

“When I got there, I saw the patches on the snake and knew it was a boa constrictor,” English told the Wilkes-Barre Times Leader.

The rear of the SUV was lifted by a tow truck so English and a volunteer helper, bystander Nathan Fortson, could get underneath and pry the serpent loose from the drive shaft.

“I was actually hoping it would be in the engine compartment. This was one of the worst possible spots it could be on a vehicle,” English said.

The 8-to-10-foot boa constrictor was finally freed from the vehicle about 4:15 p.m., after about 45 minutes of effort by English and Fortson.

“My ex-wife used to handle snakes,” Fortson told The Citizens’ Voice newspaper. “I’ve been around them all my life.”

English said the snake appeared to be in good health.

“I was very happy to get the call and get there in time. If the car had been started, the snake would’ve been killed,” English said. “I’m happy it worked out that there was no harm to the snake or anyone else.”

He said the estimated 5-year-old snake will have a new home if no owner comes forward.

“Unless someone steps forward, the snake will be with me for the rest of its life,” English said.


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