Iran: U.S. Lying About Nuclear Deal, ‘Fact Sheets’ on Negotiations Are ‘Spin’

AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais
AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais

Mere minutes after the U.S. released a fact sheet that purportedly lays out what the basic framework agreed upon by the Iranian regime and P5+1 world powers entailed, Iranian officials accused the United States of misleading the public about its agreement.

“The solutions are good for all, as they stand. There is no need to spin using ‘fact sheets’ so early on,” tweeted Iran’s foreign minister, Javad Zarif.

In two following Tweets, Zarif insisted that the U.S. and EU will remove all economic and financial sanctions on Iran immediately, contrary to what the U.S.-produced fact sheet states.

Iran’s state-run Press TV reported that the agreement allowed for Iran to continue enriching uranium, and none of its facilities would be shut down.

“In the framework of the agreement, none of Iran’s nuclear facilities as well as the previous activities will be stopped, shut down or suspended and Iran’s nuclear activities in all its nuclear facilities including Natanz, Fordow, Isfahan and Arak will continue,” said the Iranian media report.

Iranian media also reported that all of the UN Security Council, United States, and European Union sanctions against the regime will be lifted immediately, once the Joint Plan of Action has been implemented.

Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has not commented on the agreement that required his authorization for Iran’s negotiating team to sign off on the accord. As dictator of Iran, Khamenei doesn’t answer to anybody, and has no checks on his power, so it remains unclear whether he will weigh in on the nuclear framework.


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