ISIS Stones Couple to Death on Charges of ‘Fornication’

Iraqi government forces celebrate while holding an al-Qaeda affiliated flag after they cla

The Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) released images of a couple being stoned to death in Iraq. The militants charged the man and woman with having sex before marriage.

A large crowd gathered around the couple to witness their gruesome execution. Small children, as young as six-years-old, were in the very front, as other children climbed up on their fathers’ shoulders to witness the cruelty imposed on the victims. Militants placed blindfolds on their eyes and tied their hands behind their backs, rendering the victims incapable of defending themselves from the savages.

Abu Ansar al-Ansari, the executioner-in-chief, read the charges into a PA system so the entire audience could hear. Men in masks patrolled the crowd while another stood on a high cement block with a large gun in his arms. Other militants lined up stones in front of the couple. These same militants threw the stones at the man and woman until they died, pools of blood draining from the victims and staining the road.

“Twelve ISIS militants were standing there who had bags with them filled with stones, and they began throwing the stones at them, and after the third stone the woman was killed,” explained Abu Mohammed al-Lahibi, a Mosul shop owner. “The man died a short while later.”

Adultery is punished under the barbaric laws ISIS chooses to implement in the areas they control. In August, the terrorists stoned a woman to death in Raqqa, Syria, on allegations of adultery. The militants even beheaded a woman because she killed her would-be rapist who happened to be an ISIS fighter. The United Nations revealed ISIS executed numerous women in Mosul just because they were educated and professionals.

While gays in America complain about wedding cakes, ISIS beheads and throws homosexuals off rooftops. Under its laws, homosexuality is a death sentence.


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