Washington Post Corrects ‘Racist, Anti-Semitic’ Smears About MILO


The Washington Post has removed a reference to MILO in a piece about his upcoming appearance at CPAC implying that he “espoused racist, anti-Semitic and sexist points of view.”

The article, co-written by David Weigel and Robert Costa, described MILO as being the latest example of the conservative movement’s “embrace of alt-right aligned figures,” despite MILO declaring on multiple occasions that he is not a member of, nor aligned with, the alt-right, but only sought to give them a fair hearing in the press, notably by writing ‘An Establishment Conservatives Guide To The Alt-Right.’

After Breitbart News contacted the authors, the introduction was changed to describe MILO as a “right-wing firebrand,” along with removing all references to the bigotry that MILO was accused of. One reader in the comment section, writing before the article updated, said that “this article is so riddled with errors, it may as well be fake news.”

Many other news outlets have attempted to brand MILO with the alt-right or white nationalist label, including CNN, The Chicago Tribune, CBS, USA Today, LA Times, Glamour Magazine  and NBC News.

White supremacists have repeatedly attacked MILO; the Daily Stormer declared a “holy crusade” against MILO, and proceeded to protest him at the University of Alabama.

Most of the aforementioned outlets were forced to issue corrections and retract their claims for having no basis in reality.

Jack Hadfield is a student at the University of Warwick and a regular contributor to Breitbart Tech. You can follow him on Twitter @ToryBastard_, on Gab @JH or email him at jack@yiannopoulos.net.


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