Two Helicopters, FBI Bomb Squad Called Out At MILO Event


Two helicopters, an FBI bomb squad and riot police have been deployed at the University of Washington to control violent left-wing protesters before one of MILO’s final talks of the ‘Dangerous Faggot Tour.’

As has been seen throughout the door, the protests have quickly turned violent, with protesters wielding baseball bats and sharpened sticks in an attempt to intimidate attendee.

Police have also been seen wearing riot gear in an attempt to control the protesters, who have formed a human blockade to prevent attendees from entering the venue.

Helicopters have also been captured circling the venue. It is still unclear whether they have been deployed by local police or the media.

There are also reports of that an FBI Bomb squad is present at the venue. MILO has released a Facebook video declaring this the “face of the new progressive social justice left who are upset about Donald trump.

The event is the second example of left-wing violence in a row, after MILO’s event at UC Davis was cancelled after violent protesters, one of whom was arrested, meant the event could not go ahead.

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