Milo: Feminism Kills Women

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Addressing an audience at Auburn University, MILO outlined why modern feminism is killing women by sending them into combat, declaring that the idea of women being equally capable on the battlefield as a “dangerous lie.”

Milo said that the reason that women have ended up in combat is because “feminism pushes for women in combat, because to feminists, woman can do everything men can do, better.”

“This is of course a lie. But when some of the jobs are really serious, like, say, defending our nation, it becomes a very dangerous lie,” he continued. 

Justifying his claim, he cited a study from the Marine Corps from last year that found that all male units performed 69% of tasks better than mixed study, as well as the “clear physical differences between men and women.”

He went on to explain the results of an army study that found “Female soldiers suffered double the rate of injuries compared with male colleagues in Army combat training, including jobs in field artillery and repairing the Bradley Fighting Vehicle.”

Milo has previously discussed the topic of women in mortal combat in an episode of The Milo Yiannopoulos Show with veteran Navy Seal and former Blackwater CEO Erik Prince, who described the concept as “societal suicide.”

Lowering standards doesn’t just affect America’s ability to win wars. Lowering standards in the military gets people killed, including, and disproportionately, women,” he concluded. 

MILO is wearing Team Trump Jersey by Rowdy Republicans ($60). 

Written from prepared remarks. 

Watch Milo’s full talk below.

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