Breitbart Tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos spoke to Breitbart’s Editor-in-Chief, Alex Marlow, on The Milo Yiannopoulos show, discussing Milo’s upcoming “Dangerous Faggot” tour.
“What do you think is going to be different this time around, aside from higher production quality, what are you going to do to use the higher production quality to make the spectacle even bigger for your fans?” asked Marlow.
“So I think what we did with the first two or three legs, however you carve up what we’ve done so far, is talk about a lot of the same subjects to a lot of different audiences and we varied the style and the delivery and the theatrics a little bit but the core messages stayed relatively constant” said Yiannopoulos, “We were talking about feminism, about the wage gap, rape culture. We talked about free speech on campuses, I did a little bit about black lives matter. With the new resources we have available I’m going to be addressing a much much wider range of topics.”
“From the fun provocative things that make you think about the people in society and sexuality and gender and social constructs work, for instance what I’ve got brewing, why do lesbians fake so many hate crimes, we’ve done the research, it seems to be conclusive. Where there are fake hate crimes there always seems to be a lesbian, so you know it’s the sort of thing that just sounds preposterously offensive and off the wall but you look at the data and you start to think oh my god what’s going on here. These uncomfortable, awkward truths that nobody else wants to talk about, well that’s where I live”
“It’s also about tracing the etymology of social justice, working out where did it come from, why is it happening, ultimately with the view of how to stop it, so we’re going to colleges, for instance we’re going to Columbia, home of Emma Sulkowicz, mattress girl, I’ll be giving a talk called “Mattress Gay”, I may or may not have a mattress and a fake rape claim. We’ll be talking about the four, five, six big cultural events that happened in American higher education in the last decade that gave rise to this movement, that gave credibility to it so we’re looking to go to Lacrosse, UVA, all sorts of other schools and theres new dates added all the time at so keep an eye on the website.”
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