A Swing And A Miss: How Triggered Hillary Screwed Up Her Chance To Take On The Alt-Right


Last night, geriatric Hillary took aim at Breitbart, the alt-right and me in an effort to smear Daddy Donald as a bigot. Unfortunately the speech was low energy, inaccurate and above all sad. It was like a drive-by shooting with a water pistol fired from a mobility scooter.

Clinton spoke at Truckee Meadows Community College, an intimate setting for the modest crowds Hillary attracts. If Trump was in Reno, he’d be at the Lawler Events Center at the University of Neva Reno campus with a standing room only crowd in the 12,000 seat arena.

Come to think of it, looking at the room she was in I think I have more employees than there are people who show up for big Hillary speeches. Humiliating!

Hillary’s message can be distilled into a simple litany — everything is racist, everything is sexist and everything is Islamophobic. But only if you’re a white male. Donald Trump was completely correct (he usually is) when he pointed out that the left falls back on identity politics when they have nothing else.

Hillary attacked Donald Trump’s attempts to address the issues facing the black community, like crime, lack of house ownership and no jobs. She says these aren’t factual statements, basing her opinions against all common sense and every bit of police data ever released, on the examples of her rich and highly educated black friends. Newsflash: CNN hosts and political insiders don’t live in the ghetto. Sheriff David Clarke and Dallas Police Chief David Brown — whom Hillary mentioned in her speech — would hardly agree with her rosy outlook for black Americans following decades of liberal leadership.

Hillary’s speech was dull and she was so hoarse I was gulping down a protein shake speedily concocted by my handsome yet approachable personal trainer, Will, to deal with my sympathetic cottonmouth, but it still had some laugh lines. For example, Hillary brought up Daddy Donald’s brushes with the Justice Department. Those who have glass email servers should not throw stones, especially when the line to be named a Special Prosecutor investigating the Clinton Foundation is only slightly shorter than the line at a Trump rally.

That wasn’t the only place in the speech Hillary defied all common sense in her speech.  Hillary accused Trump of being deeply involved involved in the birther movement, a movement her campaign started during her run against Obama.

Hillary loves calling for Trump to disavow people, but she was awfully slow to disavow the support of Islamist and mass-murderer dad Seddique Mateen. Has she disavowed friend and mentor Robert Byrd, former Klansman?

As for conspiracy theories, nothing on InfoWars comes close to what Hillary alleged in her speech — that the alt-right has gone from posting frog pictures on the internet to dictating the direction of the Trump campaign. Mad!

Of course there was the requisite part of the speech about Islam, with a nice shout out to the female Muslim fencer who was apparently the most important person in the Olympic games. Hillary fails to grasp reality when she makes another common statement among liberals, “Think of the children!”. Well, yes. I do. I also think of women and gays. I invite Mrs. Clinton to think about the children who are killed in Islamic terror attacks. Muslims do not flee religious persecution in the Middle East, they move to the west to bring religious persecution to our societies.

The alt-right and the Trump coalition in general looks at Europe and says “We will not let it happen here”. Hillary Clinton looks at Europe and says “The future is now.”

Speaking of the alt-right, did you hear some brave lad yell out a tribute to Pepe, the naughty green frog that is one of the alt-right’s favorite memes? Based on that small crowd, the alt-right comprised a considerable portion of the attendees.

Which raises the tragic possibility that for a supposedly game-changing declaration of war from Clinton, the democrats couldn’t fill a small school hall. That’s how excited young people are about Hillary Clinton.

Hillary’s speech proved that she and her team have no idea what the alt-right is, just as her supporters don’t.

Of course Steve Bannon, Breitbart and I are not the alt-right. But I have chronicled the movement and given them a fairer shake than anyone else in the media, which is why other journalists, horrified that I won’t play the virtue-signalling game, are so keen to associate me with its worst elements.

Although I am an extremely modest person, it was a rush listening to Hillary rattle off some of my best work.  You really should read the articles, they are as good as the headlines suggest. Birth Control Makes Women Unattractive and Crazy  and Would You Rather Your Child Had Feminism or Cancer?

Hillary wasn’t done pleasing me with her delightful lack of self-awareness. She also brought out a Mexican proverb to damn Trump for consorting with supervillains like me and Bannon. She said “Tell me with whom you walk, and I will tell you who you are.” So what does that make Hillary… not, a minor member of the Saudi Royal Family?

That’s the same Saudi Royal Family that puts gays to death while it fills the coffers of the Democrat nominee, in case you’d forgotten.

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