Milo Goes Messianic: Breitbart Editor Returns To UK To Launch Student Free Speech Society

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In a rare public appearance in Britain, Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos spoke last night at the launch of the Young British Heritage Society, a new network of conservative, classically liberal and cultural libertarian students in the United Kingdom. 

The conservative firebrand has been spending most of his time in the U.S., triggering college students, reporting on the presidential primaries and preparing for the upcoming November election, but is currently back in the U.K. before the next leg of his “Dangerous Faggot” college tour begins in September. 

The talk, which can be watched above, took place at Conway Hall in London. With the event’s 400-plus tickets having sold out well in advance, the hall was teeming with Milo fans a good hour before the Breitbart Tech editor’s speech.

The event began with a short speech from student Sophie Thomas, who discussed free speech and the dangers of radical campus feminism. Following Thomas was Potkin Azarmehr, an activist for a democratic and secular Iran and peace in the Middle East. 

Azarmehr discussed his experiences watching the rise of Islamism in his home country and warned that if the UK and rest of the world weren’t vigilant, it could happen to them too.

It was then time for the keynote speaker, Breitbart Tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos, who arrived on stage to roaring cheers from the crowd. 

Milo wasted no time in ripping into campus PC culture. Universities in the United Kingdom have become  terribly lonely places for those lost souls incapable of accepting political correctness. What can I say? Some of us are just wired wrong. We think merit is more important than identity. We think Western culture is wonderful, and thank both God and the Queen every day that we were born British!”

Milo discussed the stigma that comes with being conservative or right wing in today’s society, “I have been saying for some weeks is being conservative today is like being gay in the repressive past. There is a social stigma to being conservative, especially at Universities that are only interested in churning out PC Robots instead of well-rounded individuals that can think critically.”

However Milo emphasized that dissident students are not helpless in the fight against these regressive leftists. He argued that students in the U.K. can use the example of American conservatives as a blueprint for success.

American conservatives have banded together in the face of an unfriendly political environment. Congratulations, you are on your way to doing the same. They’ve figured out effective ways to push boundaries. Don’t risk your grades in a small class. Expose their repressive thinking to the world. Document the backlash from student and Alumni. When possible and smart, take a stand against unjust policies and Allow the world to see their ugly repressive ways”

Milo, sporting a hairdo he described to this reporter as “the Milwaukee looted weave look” and in an ensemble characterised by one reporter as “Messianic,” ended his speech by discussing the Young British Heritage Society itself.

Take a minute and think about the name of this organization — the Young British Heritage Society. The values we value as part of British heritage are what you must display on campus:  Strength of conviction, bravery, camaraderie, critical thinking, finding joy and friendship in tough circumstances.” said Milo.

“Remember what I said earlier — we are winning, and the Young British Heritage Society is a way you can contribute to the coming victory. The thing they don’t teach you in school is that nothing valuable comes easy. This battle will shape your future better than any class you will study for your degree. Thank you.”

This will be the first of many event hosted by the Young British Heritage Society, who aim to make fighting political correctness and the regressive left on campus a high priority. 

Quotes taken from Milo’s notes. Milo wore white Moto jeans from True Religion, $299. Trail tank by Daniel Patrick, $80. Skomer cardigan in oyster white by All Saints, £95. Daniel mid-top sneaker by Giuseppe Zanotti, $795. Diamond crucifix, $6,500. Pearls, $12,500. Hair by Smooth You in Dalston. 

Lucas Nolan is a conservative who regularly contributes articles on censorship and free speech to Breitbart. Follow him on Twitter@LucasNolan_ or email him at


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