Germany: EU Needs Common Asylum Policy, Harmonised Living Standards So Migrants Stay in East

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The European Union (EU) requires a common asylum system with “uniform” standard of living across the bloc to ensure migrants remain in nations which are seen as less generous, Germany has said.

The harmonisation of welfare levels and living conditions for migrants “must be done”, Bundestag President Wolfgang Schäuble insisted in an interview this weekend, declaring it essential that Brussels build a system in which asylum procedures and services available to newcomers are made “uniform” throughout the bloc.

Until such a system has been put in place and living conditions have been standardised, the controversial mechanism to distribute third world migrants across Europe makes little sense “because those who are sent to live in Poland will just come to Germany”, he told Die Welt am Sonntag.

Schäuble cautioned against those who would dismiss or take an arrogant approach to the concerns of eastern EU nations over migrants, telling Die Welt: “Poland has different experiences from us  and approaches things differently.”

“We have to respect that,” stated the veteran politician, whose Christian Democratic Union (CDU) colleague Angela Merkel has repeatedly maintained that resistance to mass third world migration in nations like Hungary and Poland must be “overcome”, claiming it “contradicts the spirit of Europe”.

Calling for more understanding to be shown towards Central and Eastern European states on the issue, Schäuble noted that after the reunification of Germany, the government did not “immediately begin sending a proportional share of [third world migrants]” into the east.

“In Europe we will succeed only if we have the determination to go ahead with the willingness to not show arrogance towards others who have different experiences,” he said. “Do not lecture, but listen!”

Earlier this year Breitbart London reported on the rising number of illegal aliens from third world nations who have been jetting from Greece to Germany hoping to find more lucrative financial opportunities.

The phenomena of “asylum shopping” has been documented in Europe since Merkel’s decision to fling the continent’s borders open, with a relatively large proportion of the migrants resettled in poorer countries like Lithuania and Latvia absconding to wealthier northern EU states with more generous welfare systems.


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