Gerard Batten Confirmed as Permanent UKIP Leader


After becoming the interim leader of the UK Independence Party after the short and troubled reign of Henry Bolton, Gerard Batten officially became the new leader Saturday afternoon.

The party revealed that as of 1700 Saturday afternoon Batten became the full leader of the party after no other candidates bid for the position by the close of nominations.

Batten said of the change: “I am pleased to accept the leadership of UKIP.  Since my appointment as the Interim Leader, I have made a number of decisions that have put the Party on a firm footing financially and organisationally.

“As Leader, I will do all I can to work for the progress of the Party.  UKIP is the only real opposition to our political establishment, and we are needed now as much as ever.”

During his time as interim leader, Batten has already saved UKIP from bankruptcy, raising £300,000 after appealing to members for £100,000 in support to see off threats from insolvency and legal bills. At the time of the cash boost, Batten also announced the party was seeing a “surge” of new members.

The news of the cash boost came shortly after London Mayor Sadiq Khan made comments welcoming what he saw as the impending demise of UKIP, remarking “Maybe we’ll mark that day, when UKIP is finally abolished, with a celebration.”

Batten replied to Khan’s remarks later, saying: “Our political enemies have been robbed of the pleasure of seeing UKIP disappear from the political scene. A new optimism and a boost in morale is now palpable in our branches and among our members. So I’m sorry Sadiq, you had better put that champagne on ice, you won’t be needing it now.”

Breitbart London spoke to Batten, a member of the European Parliament, in 2017 after he was suspended from the Twitter platform for calling Islam a “death cult” and he confirmed although he’d complained to the social network he’d received no response. After reinstatement, Batten remarked: “I am back now, and Islam is still a death cult.”

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