There’s An Internet Conspiracy Theory About Breitbart Staging the Jacob Rees-Mogg Event Protest… And It’s Hilarious


Left-liberal conspiracy theorists have suggested that footage obtained by Breitbart London of far-left activists storming a speech by Conservative MP Jacob Rees-Mogg was, in fact, part of a staged operation organized by Steve Bannon and Breitbart News.

Anti-Tory activists distraught at the aggressive and intolerant portrayal it gave of their student fellow travellers are now claiming. that Breitbart News and Rees-Mogg colluded in the run-up to the event in order to stage an incident that would give him greater media attention as the odds on him being the next Conservative Party leader continue to be slashed.

Byline editor Peter Jukes – who once shared a picture of Nigel Farage and Breitbart London editor Raheem Kassam and implied they were in Moscow when, in fact, they were in Rochester, England — argued that former Breitbart News executive chairman Steve Bannon was “deeply involved in the Rees-Mogg fracas” in a post ‘liked’ by former BBC Economics editor Paul Mason.

One man accused Breitbart of “lurking in the background.”

Another claimed Mogg was “taking Breitbart to his talks.”

Other people claimed the event was “staged” and that my iPhone equated to a “Breitbart pro camera crew.” Very flattering!

Nick Pettigrew, a former writer for the satirical news site The Daily Mash, even shared a meme to highlight the obviousness of my collusion.

Some figures, including BuzzFeed’s Jim Waterson and Conservative MP Zac Goldsmith, came to Breitbart’s defense:

Living in the Bristol area, I decided to attend the event out of mere interest in one of the rising conservative stars of an establishment-controlled Conservative Party.

When protesters flung the back doors open at the beginning of the event, I was quite taken aback, especially given that Rees-Mogg is one of the most polite and unoffensive figures in British politics.

Realizing the newsworthiness of the situation, I immediately began filming the incident on my iPhone and sent it to Breitbart London editor Raheem Kassam who posted it on social media while travelling by car from Washington, D.C., to New York City.

The footage consequently went viral, racking up close to two million views across social media platforms and being used by various media outlets. However, its success was a mere fluke, and the result of simply being in the right place and the right time.

British newspapers have since identified the lead protester, who accused Rees-Mogg of being “racist,” “homophobic,” and “sexist,” as Josh Connor, a devoted Labour Party activist affiliated with the party’s far-left campaign group Momentum.

The fact that left-wingers believe that last week’s event was in some way coordinated by Breitbart News, Steve Bannon, Jacob Rees-Mogg, and perhaps the tooth-fairy too is another sign of how disturbed the political left has become since the revolutionary moments of 2016.

Still, it provided us with a laugh.

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