Irony Alert: A Thousand Private Jets Deliver Globalist Elite to Davos for Climate Change Summit

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More than 1,000 private jet flights have been delivering globalist elites to the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, where attendees are discussing — among other topics — the ‘major threat’ of climate change.

Airports around the Swiss ski resort will see the number of private jets spike 335 per cent during the annual meeting of world elites, according to Air Charter Service (ACS).

Research commissioned by the jet hire company found an average 218 private jet movements a day during the weeklong forum, compared to the 65 daily flights Swiss airfields usually deal with.

Andy Christie, group director for executive jets at ACS, said clients last year opted for expensive “heavy jets” to their lighter, more environmentally-friendly alternatives, with Gulfstream GVs and Global Expresses both being used more than 100 times each.

“With the length of some of the journeys, these slightly larger aircraft would have been needed, but with such wealthy individuals attending, they can afford to use such aircraft from wherever they were coming – as well as the element of larger aircraft being seen as a status symbol,” he said.

The summit opened with a speech from Narendra Modi, in which he identified climate change as the number one threat to civilisation, and called for more wealth transfers from rich countries in order to help poorer nations “adopt appropriate technologies” for reducing climate emissions.

Opposition to globalism is another major threat, the Indian prime minister warned in his speech, echoing research published on the eve of the globalist get-together which revealed that CEOs in Western Europe see populism as the biggest threat to their profits.

WEF Global Agenda Council on Migration chairman Dr. Khalid Koser MBE has claimed that third world migrants have ‘greatly helped’ economies in Europe and that their presence helps prevent violent extremism, as Breitbart London reported in November.

Koser complained that too much attention is focused on “national security, terrorism, extremism and crime” in immigration policy considerations, and argued that the debate should be shifted to prioritise “human security” concerns including the deaths of people in the process of trying to migrate illegally, and racism.

In 2010, conservative blogger Steve Sailer pointed out that the globalist goal of fighting climate change — which the establishment posits is done by reducing greenhouse emissions — is incompatible with the mass migration of people from poor countries to rich also backed by globalists.

Noting that carbon emissions per capita of third world nations are magnitudes lower than those of the rich countries to which they move, he writes: “The logic is very simple: If immigrants from poor countries successfully assimilate to American norms of earning and consuming, they, and their descendents, will emit vastly more carbon than if they stayed home.”


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