WATCH — Kassam Blasts Sky News: Sadiq Khan’s London Is a Sh*thole

A discussion on U.S. President Donald Trump’s comments on developing nations and his decision to cancel his planned working visit to the UK in February soon turned to the failures of “shithole” London city mayor Sadiq Khan, as Breitbart London editor in chief Raheem Kassam was interviewed on Britain’s Sky News.

Dismissing the President’s excuse that he didn’t want to visit London because the new U.S. embassy had been a bad financial deal, Kassam — the author of the 2017 bestselling book No Go Zones — laid the blame squarely on the shoulders of leading Labour party figures including the leader of the opposition Jeremy Corbyn, and London mayor Sadiq Khan — both of whom have done all but promise massive street actions against the President should he visit the city.

Kassam remarked on the campaign against Trump by the political figures ahead of his anticipated visit: “Sadiq Khan as the mayor of London has really been tubthumping, trying to get President Trump not to attend. He has said multiple times that he’s not welcome in the capital, really fomenting a situation where you might have some riots or street protests if the President came to open the embassy.”

Despite being initially reluctant to use the profanities on air, the Sky News host encouraged Kassam into speaking his mind. Accusing Sky and other British mainstream media outlets of failing to give full and proper coverage of the spiralling crime, Kassam challenged Gamal Fahnbulleh to state the rate at which youth homicide increased in 2017.

When the broadcaster failed to respond, Kassam continued: “How much youth homicide went up in London last year… have you told your viewers that? 70 per cent. Have you looked at the Mayor’s police and crime report from December 12th?

“If you look at that, almost every measure out of 42, only in four did crime go down… in every single other area [there were] double-digit rises in crime against London.”

Making his reflection on the London mayor’s increasing concern with matters of state instead of effectively running the city he was elected to lead, Kassam concluded: “…to borrow a phrase from Donald Trump, London is turning into a shithole under Sadiq Khan.”

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