Union Urges Gay Teachers to Come Out in the Classroom, Teach LGBT Experiences

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A headteachers’ union will tell schools to be more supportive of LGBT teachers who want to reveal their sexual identity in the classroom as it would make children better “citizens of the world”.

In a ‘first of its kind’ guidance to be published next week, the NAHT told members they were responsible for creating school environments where “staff can feel safe and be open with colleagues and with pupils”, reports the BBC.

The guidance, backed by LGBT pressure group Stonewall, will make headteachers responsible for ensuring an ‘inclusive’ school environment and will also instruct leaders to support staff in teaching LGBT issues, ensure sex education classes include gay and transgender experiences, and to modify dress codes to avoid gender stereotyping.

“We haven’t made as much progress as we should on LGBT-plus rights in schools.

“We need to change that,” NAHT General Secretary Paul Whiteman said.

“Schools decide the kind of society that we have, they transform children into citizens of the world and if we aren’t getting the treatment of LGBT-plus pupils and teachers right in schools then we won’t be getting it right in society,” the union head added.

Schools have become a bastion of progressivism in the United Kingdom. Since May, more than one hundred schools across the country have adopted an LGBT-friendly curriculum resulting in the scrapping of separate boys’ and girls’ uniforms and material promoting gay and transgender lifestyles being spread across all lessons.

A former government mental health tsar recently told teachers to stop referring to pupils as “boys” and “girls” as it reminds them of their gender.

Other school unions, such as the National Union of Teachers (NUT) and the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) are pushing for the teaching of LGBT lifestyles to two-year-olds to reduce hate crime and for compulsory ‘gender diversity’ training for teachers.

in November, Breitbart London reported that a teacher had been suspended and may lose his job for accidentally ‘misgendering’ a pupil who was born female but “self-identifies” as a boy.

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