Newly Arrived Syrian Migrant Molested Woman, Headbutted Police At Notting Hill Carnival


A Syrian “refugee” is in court after molesting a woman and attacking a police officer at this year’s Notting Hill Carnival — crimes committed only shortly after arriving in the United Kingdom.

Westminster Magistrate’s court heard how 23-year-old Mohammed Al-Youssfi — a freshly arrived immigrant claiming to be a refugee — committed an alleged sex assault against a reveller at the annual carnival, and headbutted the arresting officer.

The prosecutor told the court a group of three women — including one carrying a baby — were stalked by the Syrian male as they walked away from the carnival. When they stood aside to let him pass them by on the street, he grabbed one of the women.

Speaking to the court, prosecutor Edward Aydin laid out the events as they occurred: “‘He grabs the lady there, the complainant, who is 46.

“She’s wearing a jumpsuit and he grabs her in a bear hug, then grabs her breasts. He’s wearing a white t-shirt and pink shorts. Al-Youssfi then pressed up against her bottom”.

After police officers were called to the scene, the Syrian migrant then allegedly headbutted a police officer. The case will come before Hammersmith Magistrates’ Court on the 5th of October.

Among the most numerous of so-called refugees who have flooded Europe over the past two years, Syrians are frequently finding their way into national newspapers for negative reasons — often quite soon after their arrival in a new host country. In another UK case, four Syrians were seen in court this week for allegedly sexually assaulting two 14-year-old girls in Newcastle.

The men, aged 20, 18, and 16 are accused of having attacked the girls in a city park — just weeks after one of them had arrived in the UK for the first time.

Breitbart London reported last week on a Syrian migrant in Germany who was adjusting to Western life very poorly — and reacted to his wife’s desire to enjoy Western-style freedom by throwing his three young children out of an upper story window before beating her with a frying pan. The man has been charged with three counts of attempted murder, and one of grievous bodily harm.

European festivals appear to be a significant draw for newly arrived migrants, who apparently take advantage of the high concentrations of young, inebriated women. Victims as young as 12 have been recorded at Swedish music festivals, with one reporting sex attacks by migrant males doubling.

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