Trump: Mass Migration is A ‘Disaster’, ‘Destroying Europe’

Donald Trump Holds Press Conference On His New Book 'Crippled America'
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U.S. Presidential candidate Donald Trump has labelled mass migration to France and Germany a “disaster”, stating that open borders policies are “destroying Europe”.

Speaking on the campaign trail Mr. Trump noted Angela Merkel has suffered backlash from voters after opening Germany’s borders to over a million migrants last year, and warned that his Democratic party rival Hillary Clinton will open America’s borders if elected.

The Republican presidential candidate said: “It’s a disaster. It’s a total disaster, on top of which you have too much migration which is destroying Europe.

“Look at Merkel, what happened to her in the election is incredible.”

The German Chancellor has admitted her migration policies led to her Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party’s stunning loss in regional elections over the weekend.

Despite voters’ rejecting Merkel’s welcoming of endless third world migrants, and that the policy is set to cost taxpayers more than €30 billion a year, the Chancellor is still insistent it was the right thing to do.

The CDU was relegated to third place in Merkel’s own home state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, where it was overtaken by the only recently established, anti-mass migration Alternative for Germany (AfD) party.

Speaking in Virginia Beach, Virginia, Mr. Trump added: ”Germany is a disaster now. France is a disaster. And you look at the election results, they were so bad.

“People were saying oh, think she’ll be OK. I don’t think she’ll be OK. I was saying two weeks ago, I said why would she be OK?

“Millions of people go into Germany. The crime is unbelievable. The problems they’re having is unbelievable and Hillary Clinton wants to be the Merkel of the United States, OK?

“It’s not gonna happen. I tell you what, I don’t think it’s gonna happen.”

There have been several Islamist terror attacks on German soil since the country accepted more than a million migrants, and sex attacks by newcomers have horrified Germans.

Since the start of 2015 France has been hit by numerous terror attacks, where none of the perpetrators have been native Frenchmen. Almost all the terrorists who have struck the Gallic country have been of North African origin.

Mass migration to France is not a recent phenomenon like in Germany. Instead, the country’s demographics, where 10 per cent of the population are now thought to be Muslim and 40 per cent of newborns have at least one foreign grandparent, are the result of large numbers of Muslims settling in the decades since World War Two.

As a result of recent terror attacks Paris, the tourism capital of the world, has seen a sharp decline in visitors especially among Asians. France’s foreign minister Jean-Marc Ayrault reported a 46.2 per cent drop in Japanese tourists to the capital in the last year.

In a video which went viral earlier this year, a Japanese tourist expressed shock at Paris’ demographic transition from what its cultural exports would suggest. Her footage instead showed the city resembling the third world, with not a single white person in sight.

The Japanese Embassy runs a 24-hour hotline to assist tourists suffering from “Paris Syndrome”, a term coined to describe the psychiatric breakdown experienced by visitors traumatised by the crime, slums, and dirt which plague the city.

The real estate magnate is currently polling at 45 per cent while support for Clinton stands at 43 per cent.


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