Illegal Migrant Drug Trafficker Returns To Germany For The TENTH Time


A 39-year-old migrant by the name of ‘Belaid Z’ has been deported at the expense of the German tax payer on ten separate occasions – only for him to easily re-enter the country.

Belaid has reportedly committed a number of offences over the years including forgery, assault, criminal damage and handling stolen goods. The latest crime the Frankfurt police caught him for was dealing crack cocaine in the streets of the city. A whopping 51 active investigations are on his file according to police

The Bild reports that over the period of 2007-2015 the German government paid to send Belaid back to his native Morocco on ten separate occasions only to see him merely return every time without much hassle. Although he is once again scheduled to leave Germany, an unnamed police official said, “It’s only a matter of time until we meet again ‘welcome’ him.”

The official also highlighted the growing crime rate of North Africans in Frankfurt saying , “we are seeing a strong increase in North African delinquents in Frankfurt. Drug trafficking, shoplifting and burglary,” are all on the rise.

Belaid isn’t the only migrant deported who makes his way back into the country easily.

An Algerian man named Farid came to Germany in 1990 on a tourist visa and since then has been arrested repeatedly for crimes ranging from theft, hit and run, drug trafficking, and resisting arrest. He was finally deported in 2007 at great expense, but even with a travel ban Farid managed to return in 2011 and was caught for drug trafficking again.

The situation with Moroccans in neighbouring Austria isn’t any better. The governor of Upper Austria has spoken out against the North African migrants after they became regulars at the Linz train station where they harass and sexually assault women on a daily basis.

One father went so far as to write to the Governor personally to explain why his 16 year old daughter could no longer feel safe taking the train at the station. A few weeks ago, 40 drunken migrants rioted at the station, assaulting those around them, and becoming violent with anyone who objected to their behaviour. Security at the station has now taken to escorting women to their trains at night for protection.    

The question of how are these North Africans getting back into the country so easily is one that German Chancellor Angela Merkel must answer, as she has recently promised a wave of deportations of North African men who are deemed to be economic migrants. Mrs. Merkel will meet other European leaders this week at a European Union summit in Brussels to discuss the migration crisis.


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