WATCH – ‘Mein Jihad’: German Govt’s Propaganda Unit Funds Pro-Jihad Infomercial

The Federal political education agency which inherited Nazi-era Joseph Goebbels’s state propaganda machine has released a new video encouraging young Muslim women in Germany to pursue jihad.

Entitled ‘Mein Jihad’, the video opens by translating jihad into German, calling it ‘Anstrengung’, or ‘Kampf’ — literally Mein Kampf, or ‘my struggle‘ — and works to put a positive spin on the global phenomenon of jihad.

Claiming the points made are agreed on by “most Muslim scholars”, the video states even in the seventh century “the jihad was not a license for unrestricted killing”, and that the last jihad ended in the 16th century.

Referring back to the undefined body of “most” Muslim scholars cited by the film, it reminds the viewer they say “military jihad must only be used defensively”.

Cutting to a live-action sequence, a young Muslim woman explains that to her, fighting jihad is about being a productive member of society and bettering herself. Staring down the barrel of the camera, she woman explains: “My personal jihad starts by getting up in the morning and following the call to prayer instead of staying in bed”.

Rather than paying heed to a more conventional idea of jihad — the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it as “a war fought by Muslims to defend or spread their beliefs” — the woman recalls how jihad means accommodation and compromise with Western civilisation. She said:

“My jihad means being patient with my fellow human beings, even if they get angry with me and despite offered compromises, stay stubborn. My jihad means telling the truth, no matter how uncomfortable it gets, and always listening closely when my friends tell their stories, no matter how stressed I am”.

Among the several other desirable qualities the German political education agency shoehorns into the script to build an idea of a Westernised, non-violent jihad – the woman also lists being friendly, acting with kindness, helping others, and speaking out — “offering others my voice”.

Breitbart London reported in September on the growing trend of radical Salafist Muslims recruiting new migrants as soon as they arrive in Europe — frequenting railway terminals and asylum camps to get arrivals at their most vulnerable. A Bavarian security forces spokesman said of the radicalisation that was going on under their very noses: “Salafists are trying to talk with unaccompanied youths who have come to Germany without their families and who are in particular need of support and connections.

“The Salafists are trying to use the desperate situation refugees find themselves in for their own goals”.

Breitbart London has reported on the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, or Federal Agency for Political Education’s clumsy attempts to modernise Islam before. In January, the agency published an article in their monthly teenage-focus magazine Fluter (Floodlight), claiming that Mohammed was a feminist and there was no evidence sex attacks in Germany had been caused by refugees.

“Sexist and misogynistic” Western pop culture is instead to blame, claimed the article, which also cast Islam as a civilising influence on Europe, rather than the other way around.

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