WATCH: Migrants Dislike Food, Demand TVs, Threaten To Go Back To Syria

In a performance of ingratitude so staggering it should almost be satire, a group of newly arrived migrants in the Netherlands have declared their accommodation so poor they want to go back to Syria.

Clearly used to appearing in front of a television camera, a glamorous, well-coiffured and made up Syrian migrant launches into a tirade against the generosity of Western European states. Gesturing to the modern accommodation building behind her, the clearly middle-class Syrian complains in perfect English: “This is not a life when you get inside to a room without a TV. Just a bed, there is no fridge, no lockers, no privacy”.

Telling the television crew why the group of 15 had walked out on their free accommodation and food, the woman said: “we’re going to stay outside because we don’t want to eat this food, and we don’t want to stay in the room. We’re running away from our country because of the situation, and now we live in a jail.

“Maybe we should go back to our country… I think it’s fair enough”.

In a separate interview with Dutch DenHaag TV the next morning, the same young woman is still complaining after a nights sleep. Hitting the same notes, she tells the camera: “I want to go back to my country”.

Shocked, the television reporter asks: “are you serious? Because there is a war, right?”, but she pushes on:

“Here, it is not a life. There, we know there is a war, but here there is no life. You are sitting here in jail. It’s the same situation, but in Syria you can live for real. They are giving us just 12-12 Euro [a week]. It’s not real”.

Not being given enough free money, food, or luxurious accommodation by Western governments is by no means the end of the gripes aired by migrants whenever they can find a television camera to talk to. Breitbart London reported on the changes the increasingly cold weather in Europe is having on its new migrant population, and their satisfaction with their new home.

One man speaking lamented he was unable to turn back and go home, and complained about the Europeans he had met. He said: “Here it is so cold and nobody cares about us. Now we want to go, to move, there is no way back. We have already crossed seven or eight borders”.

Another migrant paradoxically also thought Europe already had too many migrants in. He said: “the weather is so cold, and the people are too much. Too much people coming to this area”.

It may seem at times that migrants are almost as opposed to mass migration to Europe as natives. interviewed yesterday as Sweden prepared to close their borders to alleviate the migrant crisis brewing within their nation, a group of newly arrived asylum seekers celebrated the policy u-turn. One young man said: “Close the border. We are far too many who have come. They can not take care of all of us”.

Seeing no irony in his statement, a Syrian migrant said: “I’m surprised how it is here in Sweden. If they can’t take care of us properly, they should not take so many”.

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