WATCH: ’What The F**k Are You Doing?’ Immigrant Threatens Journalist Live On Air During Report From Asylum Centre

Threatens Journalist
Denmark TV2

Danish TV2 had to cut short a report from the Sandholm asylum centre yesterday after their crew on the scene appeared to be intimidated and threatened by an angry migrant.

Reporting on the situation at the ‘Asylcenteret Sandholm’, a former military barracks just outside Copenhagen and the largest migration centre in Denmark, Danish TV2 reporter Anders Lomholt was explaining how the rapidly accelerating number of migrants arriving in the country were putting the centre under strain.

But the 6 o’clock evening report had to be cut short after an angry migrant brandishing a coffee cup and foul language stepped into shot and started pushing the reporter.

Although the men are speaking over each other during the confrontation, the migrant can be heard saying in broken Danish: “What are you doing here, man? Shut the fuck up”.

While the reporter and his colleague back in the studio try to get the segment back on track, the migrant becomes more angry and pushes the reporter’s chest. At this point, it cuts back to the studio, continuing with the evening’s other news, and ignoring the very real story developing right in front of the viewer’s eyes.

Remarkably the event has generated very little interest on social media, with just one grainy clip posted to YouTube and a handful of tweets.

“Oh boy. A very happy man harassed violent a reporter during live news outside the asylum center Sandholm”

In a statement suggesting the incident was not motivated by politics or animosity, but alcohol, and since apparently deleted from their Facebook page, TV2 said:

“Episodes like the one you saw in the 6 o’clock news is an everyday occurrence for our reporters who sometimes experience interruptions from the surroundings. We have spoken to Anders Lomholt, the journalist from the episode. ‘We don’t know what intentions the man had, but He seemed intoxicated. I just think he was a drunkard… I didn’t feel threatened at all'”.

A TV2 spokesman told Breitbart London that journalist Anders Lomholt confirmed the event took place but emphasised that while such interruptions are not common, he found it no worse than reporting live from Copenhagen’s nightclub scene.

Watch: TV2 reporter Anders Lomholt is interrupted outside migration centre

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