None of That Funny Business Here: Russia Adopts ‘Straight Pride’ Flag

Straight Pride

The party of Russian president Vladimir Putin has released a flag for straight pride which celebrates #realfamilies, offering a counterpoint to the present celebrations and homomania presently gripping the United States and other developed nations.

Straight Pride 2

Comparing the original French design above, and the enlarged traditional family for Russia below.

The flag, closely based on a design long used by French traditional-marriage advocacy group La Manif Pour Tous (the marriage for all) is enhanced by the addition of a third child to the depicted ‘traditional family’ and the Cyrillic hash-tag #RealFamilies. The change is entirely in line with present Russian government policy, which is attempting to turn-around the declining birthrate by encouraging Russian mothers to have more children as an alternative to mass immigration.

Gay interest site Pink News reports the comments of Russia United politician Aleksey Lisovenko, who said of the design:

“This is our answer to same sex marriages, this mockery of the very concept of family. We must prevent gay fever in our country and support traditional values”.

Lisovenko told reporters that the design was created in cooperation with ‘allies’ in France who made the original design and was a symbol of friendship, not plagiarism after users of social media suggested the design had been pinched. The movement is popular in France, but little reported outside the country – marriage for all marches have attracted half a million walkers in recent years.

The Russian flag was officially launched yesterday during the nationwide celebrations of Saint Peter and Saint Fevronia, who in the Orthodox church are the patron saints of marriage. Widely celebrated in Russia until the Red Terror of 1917, the holiday was re-instituted in 2008 as the day of Day of Family, Love and Faithfulness and stands as an Orthodox equivalent of St. Valentines day.

This is far from the only initiative launched by the Russian government and the ruling United Russia party in recent years to promote the growth of traditional families.

Breitbart London has reported on the ‘Mother Russia’ programme launched in 2006, which paid a £22,000 bonus to mothers having their second child. The state has even funded concerts for young couples playing well known love ballads to help get them in the mood to start families. The programmes are considered a success within Russia.

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