Another British Jihadist Dead: Terror Convert Thomas Evans Killed In Kenya


Another British jihadist has been killed. Muslim Convert Thomas Evans reportedly died while fighting for the Islamist terror group, Al Shabaab, in Kenya, this weekend.

The Mail reports that Evans, 24 from High Wycombe, an hour west of London, was killed when his jihadist group tried to storm a military base in northern Kenya. He becomes the latest British jihadist to die fighting for an Islamist terror group, just days after Talha Asmal – believed to be Britain’s youngest suicide bomber – was reported dead.

David Obonya, a spokesman for the Kenyan military said that while they believed Evans to be among the dead, “…we cannot be certain becomes sometimes looks can be deceiving. The necessary forensic investigations are being done including a DNA test I understand.”

Last year his mother Sally begged British police to catch Evans – who changed his name to Abdul Hakim – and imprison him to save his life. She said just over a year ago: “I would rather have Thomas alive behind bars than dead in the middle of nowhere because he wouldn’t just die innocently but die doing something that he shouldn’t be doing.

“And if he took other lives, how do you live with this? If he was a suicide bomber, how would I live with that?”

Evans attended the Muslim Education Centre in High Wycombe, the same mosque that was attended by he infamous “liquid bomb plotters“.

“The thoughts that he had, those started here, in this country,” Sally Evans said. “He was radicalised here.”

The Muslim Education Centre is known to host “fun days” for Muslim children, as well as being a hub for local students from Buckinghamshire University and other schools in the area. The mosque has hosted Shaykh Sulaiman Ghani, who has led rallies in favour of convicted terrorist Aafia Siddique.

He was described by a counter-terrorism expert as “very dangerous” and known to preached a “radical strain of Islam the vast majority of Muslims would not recognise nor want to conform to.”

The mosque has also promoted the boycott of Israeli dates during Ramadan so that Muslims do not “support the Israeli terrorist state” and has hosted speeches from Islamic scholars, one recently entitled, “The Sword of Allah”.


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