Gay Couple Demand Name Change for ‘Homophobic’ Road

Borough Green

Married couple Phillip and Ian Tucker have written to their local council to complain about the decision to name a new road Bangays Way, because they consider it homophobic.

Despite the name of the new cul-de-sac having been arrived at because of the late Frank Bangay’s dedication to the village, having sat as a school governor, councillor, and a writer of local history, the couple feel they are being discriminated against. Mr. Tucker says the addition of an ‘S’ makes the name unforgivable, and it should be renamed Frank Bangay Way.

The Express reports Tucker’s remarks, as he recalled first seeing the street name: “My husband and I went to look round the new development, as you do. Having got over the initial humour, we reflected that this street name was actually pretty offensive.

“Somehow seeing it on the sign made it look even worse. We are pretty sure the sign will be subject to frequent vandalism and possible theft.

“Apparently Frank Bangay was a local historian. Many local roads are named after local families. But only in one instance did an ‘s’ get tacked on the end… I have contacted our new MP Tom Tugendhat who seems to agree with me and is approaching the council to see if it can be changed to Frank Bangay Way, which at least makes it clear it is a name not a statement of opinion”.

Although their Conservative member of parliament has agreed to help them make the change, others in the village are not so impressed. The Bangay family is considering legal action, themselves finding the newcomer couple thinking their name offensive, offensive.


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