Photos: Top Moments from Donald Trump’s Inauguration
Welcome to Breitbart News’s live coverage of the 2017 inauguration of Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States.
All times Eastern.
8:08 AM: From last night – Watch Anti-Trump anarchists destroy a U.S. Flag and light fires in D.C.:
WARNING: Explicit language
12:53 AM: Watch video below of Trump’s remarks at the donor reception earlier this evening:
11:10 PM: Tens of thousands of anti-Trump protestors and celebrities kicked off left-wing filmmaker Michael Moore’s “100 Days of Resistance” Thursday, rallying outside Donald Trump’s New York City International Hotel. Breitbart’s Jerome Hudson reported on the event “which featured speeches from political figures including New York Mayor Bill De Blasio and Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges and actors Alec Baldwin, Robert De Niro, and Mark Ruffalo.”
Moore told the crowd that America has entered into a “very dangerous” time, after electing a “sociopath.”
“With a lot of work on our part, we will stop this man,” Moore shouted. “He will not last four years.”
“If your rep is a Democrat, tell him/her you expect them to AGGRESSIVELY fight the Trump agenda — and if they don’t, you will work with others to support a true progressive in the Democratic primary in 2018,” Moore added.
10:40 PM: Anti-Trump protestors continue to gather outside the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. Thursday. Here is a list by Breitbart’s Lee Stranahan of the 75 leftist groups trying to stop Trump from taking office.
10:09 PM: AP reports: 10 Promises Trump Made for His First Day
WASHINGTON (AP) — Behind in the polls in late October, Donald Trump ventured to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, to give American voters a “contract” detailing what he would achieve during his first day in office. Beneath a list of 18 major actions was the flourish of Trump’s familiar signature and a blank space for voters to sign.
But as Trump becomes president on Friday, it remains hazy as to which actions he will immediately take.
The list included several items likely to fire up Republican voters but backed up by scant policy. It includes “begin removing the more than 2 million criminal illegal immigrants” and “cancel every unconstitutional executive action … by President Obama.” Trump has already backed down from one pledge to label China a currency manipulator, recently saying he would first like to speak with the Chinese leadership.
A look at 10 of the key promises Trump made for his first day as president:
—Introduce a constitutional amendment for congressional term limits.
—Freeze hiring for the federal government to reduce payrolls, although the military, public safety and public health agencies would be exempt.
—Ban White House and congressional officials from becoming lobbyists for five years after they leave the government.
—Announce plans to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement with Canada and Mexico or withdraw from the deal.
—Formally withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
—Lift restrictions on mining coal and drilling for oil and natural gas.
—Remove any Obama-era roadblocks to energy projects such as the Keystone XL pipeline.
—Cancel U.S. payments to U.N. climate change programs and redirect the money to U.S. water and environmental infrastructure.
—Stop all federal funding to “sanctuary cities,” places where local officials don’t arrest or detain immigrants living in the country illegally for federal authorities.
—Suspend immigration from regions associated with terrorism where vetting is difficult.
9:58 PM: Breitbart News’ Ian Hanchett reports:
During a live report on Thursday’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight” on the Fox News Channel, a young man protesting in Washington, DC claimed to have started a fire in the street, “Because I felt like it. And because I’m just saying, ‘Screw our president.’”
9:38 PM: Breitbart’s Washington, D.C. Editor Matthew Boyle interviewed Trump supporters earlier today on the National Mall.
‘They Are Fake News’: Trump Supporters Rip into CNN on National Mall
(Meanwhile, CNN is advertising a job listing for a full-time “fake news” reporter.)
9:21 PM:
9:00 PM: President-elect Donald Trump delivered remarks at a dinner for campaign donors in Washington, D.C. on the eve of his inauguration. He told a cheering crowd that in 2018 Republicans are going to win more seats in the Senate. Breitbart’s Neil Munro reports:
“We have an election coming up in two years,” Trump told the crowd after thanking his early and his late donors. “We’re going to get a lot of them elected… [GOP Sen.] Mitch McConnell is here, he’s smiling so big,” Trump joked.
McConnell is the GOP leader of the Senate. In 2018, he will have the opportunity to push his narrow 52 to 48 majority up to dominant 58 or even 60 seats. If the GOP reaches 60 Senate seats, then McConnell will usually be able to break the Democrats’s “filibuster” ability to block legislation.
Forty Senators are needed to maintain a filibuster.
Twenty-three Senate Democrats face re-election in November 2018, while only eight Republicans must face the voters. Among the Democrats, nine Senators are either freshmen or won less than 53 percent in their prior election, and four will face the voters in states won by Trump.
Several balls and dinners are taking place around town tonight amid protests.
Breitbart’s Charlie Spiering reports from the Black Tie and Boots Texas Ball:
7:55 PM: Protesters wearing black masks confronted police Thursday outside the National Press Club, where the pro-Trump “DeploraBall” event is being held. As Breitbart News’ Brandon Darby reports: “the event inside drew the ire of the hundreds of anarchists and their associates. Many of the mask-clad protesters physically resisted police efforts to clear the sidewalk as others shot their middle fingers to the police officers.”
7:40 PM:
Full Text of Trump’s Speech at Opening Inaugural Concert
Donald Trump delivered remarks Thursday evening, just hours before becoming the 45th president of the United States. After a performance from Toby Keith at the "Make America Great Again! Welcome Concert," Trump spoke for a few minutes, delivering the following remarks and kicking off three days of inaugural celebrations.
Thank you very much. Thank you very much everybody, and thank you Tom. I'd like to congratulate our incredible entertainers tonight. Toby, and Lee Greenwood and all of the great talent. It was really very special. I also have to thank our incredible military right here. Thank you. Stand up, please. You guys were really great. Thank you. So this journey began 18 months ago. I had something to do with it, but you had much more to do with it than I did. I'm the messenger. I'm just the messenger. And we were tired. And I love you. Believe me, I love you. We all got tired of seeing what was happening. And we wanted change, but we wanted real change. And I look so forward to tomorrow. We're going to see something that is going to be so amazing. So many people have poured into Washington, D.C.
This started out tonight being a small little concert, and then we had the idea maybe we'll do it in front of the Lincoln Memorial. I don't know if it's ever been done before. But if it has, very seldom. And the people came by the thousands and thousands, and here we are tonight, all the way back. All the way back. So it's a movement that began, it's a movement that started, and it's a movement like we’ve never seen anywhere in the world, they say. There's never been a movement like this and it's something very, very special. And we're going to unify our country, and our phrase – you all know it, half of you are wearing the hat – "Make America Great Again." But we're going to make America great for all of our people, everybody. Everybody throughout our country. That includes the inner cities, that includes everybody.
And we're going to do a special job, and I can only tell you that 18 months ago, we never knew, a lot of people didn't know, some people had a feeling. A lot of people didn't give us much of a chance, but we understood what was happening. And that last month of the campaign, when I traveled around to every place that you can imagine. State after state after state, speech after speech. And we had ten thousand, twenty thousand, thirty thousand people. There was never an empty seat, just like tonight. We didn't know if anybody would even come tonight. This hasn't been done before. And you look. It was the same way. And we all knew that last month of the campaign. I think a lot of us knew the first week of the campaign, but that last month of the campaign we knew that something special was happening.
And I can only tell you this: The polls started going up, up, up, but they didn't want to give us credit. Because they forgot about a lot of us. On the campaign I called it "the forgotten man" and "the forgotten woman." Well, you're not forgotten anymore. That I can tell you. Not forgotten anymore.
So I want to thank my great family, my incredible wife Melania. They've been so supportive, and it wasn't easy for them. But they have been so supportive. I want to thank you, most importantly. And I promise you that I will work so hard. We're going to get it turned around. We're going to get our jobs back. We're not going to let other countries take our jobs any longer. We're going to build up our great military. We're going to build it up. We're going to strengthen our borders. We're going to do things that haven't been done for our country for many, many decades. It's going to change. I promise you it's going to change.
So I'll see you tomorrow. And I don't care frankly if it's going to be beautiful or if it's going to rain like crazy. Makes no difference to me. I have a feeling it's going to be beautiful. But I will see you tomorrow, and I'm going to be cheering you on. You're going to cheer me on, but I'm going to be cheering you on. Because what we’ve done is so special. All over the world they're talking about it. All over the world. And I love you folks, and we’re going to work together. And we are going to – make America great again. And I’ll add: Greater than ever before! Thank you very much and enjoy the fireworks. Thank you everybody.
7:36 PM: In case you missed it, here’s the video of Lee Greenwood’s performance of “God Bless the USA.”
6:55 PM: Breitbart’s Neil McCabe reports:
Washington’s Trump International Hotel is closed tonight to non-guests. But, the lobby bar is full of deplorables in tuxedos and evening gowns.

(Photo: Neil McCabe, Breitbart)
6:51 PM: Some wire photos…

President-elect Donald Trump salutes Lincoln with his wife Melania Trump as they arrive at a pre-Inaugural “Make America Great Again! Welcome Celebration” at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, Thursday, Jan. 19, 2017. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)

President-elect Donald J. Trump and family stand in front of the Lincoln Memorial as fireworks explode overhead at the inaugural concert in January 19, 2017 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Chris Kleponis-Pool/Getty Images)

US President-elect Donald Trump and family pose at the end of a welcome celebration at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC, on January 19, 2017. (Photo credit: MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images)

(Photo: MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images)

US President-elect Donald Trump and family make their way up the steps of the Lincoln Memorial at the end of a welcome celebration in Washington, DC, on January 19, 2017. (Photo: MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images)
6:33 PM: The concert closed with a moving rendition of the “Battle Hymn of the Republic” accompanied by a display of fireworks. The Trump family then viewed the inscriptions over Lincoln’s towering figure. Watch the moment below:
6:25 PM: Trump ends the concert with remarks talking about the movement that got him elected, calling himself just “the messenger” for it and promising that the forgotten men and women of America “are not forgotten anymore.”
Video of his remarks below:
6:18 PM: Watch Sam Moore’s amazing rendition of “America the Beautiful” here.
6:12 PM:
Jon Voight at Inauguration: Lincoln Smiling Knowing ‘America Will Be Saved by An Honest and Good Man’
Hollywood screen legend and early Donald Trump supporter Jon Voight delivered an electrifying speech Thursday at the "Make America Great Again: Welcome Celebration" on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.
"This is some day," Voight said to roaring applause from the massive crowd. "Dear friends, fellow Americans. I’m so happy to be here to welcome you all to the inauguration of the 45th president of the United States, Donald J. Trump." Voight continued, recounting that the election was "a barrage of propaganda that left us all breathless with anticipation not knowing if God could reverse all the negative lies against Mr. Trump, whose only desire was to make America great again." "He certainly didn’t need this job. And yes, God answered all our prayers," the Oscar-winner said. Voight assured the crowd that Abraham Lincoln was smiling knowing "America will be saved by an honest and good man who will work for all the people, no matter their creed or color." The Deliverance star endorsed Trump for president last March in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News. "He’s an answer to our problems," Voight said. "We need to get behind him. The Republicans need to unite behind this man. We need somebody to go in and reconstruct us in a sort of way, get us back to where we were, who we need to be." Voight gave his brief remarks Thursday before introducing Rock and Roll Hall of Famer Sam Moore, who sang an emotional rendition of "America the Beautiful." Follow Jerome Hudson on Twitter @jeromeehudson5:57 PM: Breitbart’s Joel Pollak interviewed…
5:43 PM: Wire image from earlier of President-elect Trump and Melania Trump arriving at the Lincoln Memorial Concert…

(Photo: MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images)
Other wire images from the concert…

Country singer Toby Keith performs for US President-elect Donald Trump and his family during a welcome celebration at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC, on January 19, 2017. (Photo: BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty Images)

A military band performs during a welcome celebration for US President-elect Donald Trump and wife Melania at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC on January 19, 2017. (Photo: MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC – JANUARY 19: Members of the Emerald Society, Washington, DC Fire Department band, walk on their way to perform at the Voices for the People inaugural musical event on January 19, 2017 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)
5:15 PM: From the Associated Press:
From there, Trump shuttled to a celebratory welcome concert on the steps of Lincoln Memorial that was to end with fireworks.
The two-hour concert, open to the public, promised headliners including country star Toby Keith, soul’s Sam Moore and The Piano Guys. But not singer Jennifer Holliday: She backed out after an outcry from Trump critics.
“This is some day, dear friends,” actor Jon Voight told the crowd, casting Trump’s impending inauguration as evidence of divine intervention after “a parade of propaganda that left us all breathless with anticipation, not knowing if God could reverse all the negative lies against Mr. Trump.”
Trump spokesman Sean Spicer said the president-elect was still making “edits and additions” to the inaugural address he’ll deliver at Friday’s swearing-in.
5:09 PM: Exclusive video shot by Breitbart’s Brandon Darby of the bomb squad in action earlier today.
4:54 PM:
President-elect Trump and Melania Trump have arrived at the Lincoln Memorial for the “Make America Great Again” concert. Watch the live-stream video coverage of the concert here. Appropriately, Trump arrives to the music of The Rolling Stones, whose song “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” was the Trump campaign theme song. Breitbart’s Joel Pollak wrote about the significance of the song to Trump’s campaign message.
4:40 PM:
4:31 PM: More crowd members’ portraits from Breitbart reporter Charlie Spiering:
4:26 PM: Watch live — the “Make America Great Again” celebration concert, where Trump and Pence will be addressing supporters.
4:13 PM: Wire photos of the Arlington wreath laying ceremony:

Family member watch as US President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence take part in a wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia on January 19, 2017. (Photo: MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images)

US President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence take part in a wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington,Virginia, on January 19, 2017. (Photo: MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images)
3:57 PM:

The United States Marine Corps Band practices in front of the podium where US President-elect Donald Trump will take the oath of office and be sworn in as the 45th US president in Washington, DC on January 19, 2017. (Photo: TIMOTHY A. CLARY/AFP/Getty Images)
3:43 PM:
3:42 PM:
3:40 PM:
3:26 PM: More Deplorables. Photos: Matthew Boyle/Breitbart
3:25 PM:
3:10 PM:
3:08 PM:
3:06 PM: Some last-minute Obama trolling:
2:57 PM:
2:50 PM: The only reliable way to get around the mall. Photo: Joel Pollak/Breitbart
2:44 PM: Photo: Matthew Boyle/Breitbart
2:43 PM: Photo: Neil W. McCabe/Breitbart

Two deplorables in leprechaun gear and beards make their way to the National Mall Thursday. All streets around the mall and Capitol Hill are closed to regular traffic in anticipation of President-elect Donald J. Trump’s Friday inauguration.
2:37 PM: Street is now reopened. The cause for the alarm was a backpack left on the street corner behind a newspaper machine. The bomb squad appears to have X-rayed the bag and now they are removing police tape and packing up.
2:32 PM: Bomb squad in action. Man in bomb suit appears to be using a device to analyze a newspaper dispenser. Photos: Brandon Darby/Breitbart
2:31 PM: Roger Stone spotted. Photo: Joel Pollak/Breitbart
2:23 PM: Amanda House reports: DEVELOPING: street closure outside the Hilton Garden Inn for what appears to be a bomb threat (14th and I street NW). Breitbart’s Brandon Darby is on the scene.
2:21 PM:
Donald Trump Boasts: ‘We Have by Far the Highest IQ of Any Cabinet Ever Assembled’
President-elect Donald Trump boasted on Thursday that his administration will “have by far the highest IQ of any cabinet ever assembled.”
Trump delivered these remarks at a leadership luncheon with inauguration officials and Republican leaders at Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C., on Thursday afternoon. He praised the members of his cabinet, including “the legendary Jeff Sessions” -- the Alabama senator who is Trump’s nominee for U.S. Attorney General. He also mentioned UN Ambassador nominee South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, Health and Human Services Secretary nominee Dr. Tom Price (R-GA), and Treasury Secretary nominee Steve Mnuchin, among others. “We have a lot of smart people. I tell you what -- we have by far the highest IQ of any Cabinet ever,” he said. Watch the video of his complete remarks above.2:17 PM:
2:02 PM: Breitbart video crew interviewing Deplorables at the concert. Photo: Amanda House/Breitbart
2:01 PM:
1:59 PM: If Sly Stallone can’t have it, no one can:
1:50 PM: Via AP:
Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer says the Senate will vote on two of Donald Trump’s Cabinet nominees on Friday and begin debate on a third.
The Senate will vote on retired Gen. James Mattis to be defense secretary and retired Gen. John Kelly to lead the Department of Homeland Security.
Both are expected to be easily confirmed.
And debate is expected to begin on the nomination of Mike Pompeo — a Republican congressman from Kansas — to head the CIA.
1:49 PM: Via Neil W. McCabe: Trump is now leaving the hotel with a full presidential convoy.
1:44 PM: Via Breitbart Jerusalem Editor Aaron Klein:
The CODEPINK left-wing activist organization is planning “audacious and creative, colorful protests” targeting the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump on Friday, Ariel Gold, CODEPINK’s campaign director, told Breitbart News in an interview.
1:43 PM: Jerry Falwell Jr. with other Deplorables outside Trump International Hotel. Photo: Neil W. McCabe/Breitbart
1:42 PM: From the Voices of the People Concert. Photo: Amanda House/Breitbart
1:40 PM: Big tent.
1:38 PM:
1:23 PM: Has-been serenades has-been. Via AFP:
New York (AFP) – Bruce Springsteen performed a secret concert for President Barack Obama and his staff as they leave the White House, urging optimism in uncertain times, the rock legend’s fanzine reported.
Backstreets, a long-running magazine and website that methodically documents Springsteen’s shows, said The Boss played a 15-song acoustic set in the White House’s East Room on January 10.
1:19 PM:
1:16 PM:
1:15 PM: Crowd forming outside Trump’s hotel. Photos via Breitbart’s Neil W. McCabe:
1:13 PM: Trump, in remarks at his hotel’s luncheon, says Jeff Sessions “will be one of the outstanding stars of this country.” Quips “We will have, by far, the highest IQ of any Cabinet ever assembled.”
1:00 PM: Bey stirs up the Hive. From Breitbart’s Jerome Hudson:
Pop mega-star Beyoncé encouraged her 64 million fans on Facebook to turn out and support the Women’s March on Washington to protest President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration.
“We raise our voices as mothers, as artists, and as activists. As #GlobalCitizens, we can make our voices heard and turn awareness into meaningful action and positive change. #WomensMarch.,” the “Lemonade” singer wrote Wednesday.
12:51 PM: Photos from Trump International, waiting on the arrival of the president-elect. Via Breitbart’s Neil W. McCabe:
12:48 PM: Some of the Trump swag available in town:
12:46 PM: Congressman Filemon Vela claims Trump supporters spat on a “migrant student” from his district while visiting DC:
12:29 PM: More egg on NeverTrump-ers’ faces, via The Hill:
Donald Trump is ready to take an ax to government spending.
Staffers for the Trump transition team have been meeting with career staff at the White House ahead of Friday’s presidential inauguration to outline their plans for shrinking the federal bureaucracy, The Hill has learned.
Read the rest of the story here.
12:25 PM: Yes, we really need to know if they hit all green lights along the way.
12:25 PM:
12:17 PM: This morning, Vice President-elect Mike Pence surprised reporters at a press conference to comment on the Transition Team’s wrapup. Breitbart’s Alex Swoyer reports:
“We’re wrapping up this transition on schedule and under budget,” Pence declared. “We will actually return some 20 percent of taxpayer funding.” Pence added that this is in keeping with Trump’s expectations going forward as President of the United States.
“We look forward to seeing you tomorrow. It will be a very humbling and moving day,” he added ahead of Friday’s inauguration. “We are all ready to go to work.”
Spicer spoke after Pence, telling reporters that Trump is continuing to edit his inaugural address for Friday’s speech.
12:14 PM: Trump arrives in DC.
12:05 PM: There they are.
11:44 AM:
11:41 AM: From
Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner have been given a free rabbinical pass to travel by car following Donald Trump’s inauguration on Friday.
According to Jewish law, driving or riding in cars is prohibited on Sabbath. But a principal in Jewish law called “pikuach nefesh” mandates that the rule can only be broken in life-threatening situations.
In an interview with Kol Barama radio, Mark Zell, the chair of the Republican Party in Israel, said the couple have been granted special permission by a rabbi to use a vehicle because of “safety” concerns.
Read the rest of the story here.
11:20 AM: Tribal consumerism is here to stay.
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