Illegal Alien Activists Shielded By San Francisco Sheriff

Assata Shakur

Members of the illegal alien activist group Causa Justa :: Just Cause were shielded from questions by a San Francisco sheriff’s deputy Tuesday, after the group celebrated their victory in getting sanctuary city laws expanded in San Francisco.

The radical group was chanting the words of domestic terrorist and convicted cop-killer Assata Shakur, now hiding in Cuba.

As I was conducting an interview with San Francisco Sheriff Vicki Hennessy about the sanctuary city law, the interview was interrupted by loud chanting coming from about 20 feet away.

As this video shows, while we were waiting for the loud chanting to finish, I realized that the group was chanting “Assata’s prayer”, which are the words of JoAnne Chesimard a.k.a. Assata Shakur. Shakur was part of the group the Black Liberation Army, who killed a number of police officers in a nationwide reign of terror in the early 1970s.

Shakur was tried and convicted of the murder of a New Jersey state trooper, but was later sprung out of prison by a left-wing radical group known as The Family, which included members of the Weather Underground.

At that point, Simard fled to Cuba, where she has been living in exile ever since.

As Breitbart News has reported in the past, Shakur remains a hero to the modern American left. The cofounders of Black Lives Matter have said that they pay homage to Assata’s record at “every event” and T-shirts saying “Assata taught me” are a common sight.

Illegal alien activist group Causa Justa merged with a group called POWER last year. Power had previously been headed by Alisha Garza, who is one of the cofounders of Black Lives Matter.

It appears that Causa Justa is acting as a political organizing group for illegal aliens, and then using it to indoctrinate them in far left-wing politics.

As Breitbart News reported before, one of the board members of Causa Justa is a member of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, a group that openly advocates for Chicanos and black Americans seceding from the United States and setting up their own racial nation states in the south and southwest portions of the country.

When I approached members the activist group to see why they were quoting a convicted cop killer in San Francisco City Hall, I was blocked by a sheriff deputy who claimed that I was making them “uncomfortable.” This is ironic, given the activist left’s current tactic of shutting down speech they don’t agree with as evidenced by the recent Black Lives Matter shutdown of Milo Yiannopoulos’ DePaul event, which also resulted in the arrest of journalist Jeremy Siegel a.k.a. Rebel Pundit.

While it’s admirable that law enforcement protects the rights of people who hate them, it is also somewhat distressing that they’re siding against journalists. This was also evidenced two weeks ago, when I was illegally removed from the same San Francisco Board of Supervisors meeting after I made illegal aliens in the crowd “uncomfortable” by filming them breaking the rules of the Board of Supervisors with repeated interruptions.

If law enforcement in San Francisco consistently protects the hurt feelings of anti-law enforcement activists, it’s difficult to see how they can keep their citizenry safe.

Follow Breitbart News investigative reporter and Citizen Journalism School founder Lee Stranahan on Twitter at @Stranahan.


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