EXCLUSIVE: Jackie Mason on Obama’s Iran ‘Ransom’ Denial: ‘As If He’s In a Sanitarium’

Jackie Masopn

Legendary standup comic Jackie Mason delivered his hilarious take on President Obama’s claim that $400 million in pallets of foreign currency flown to Iran aboard an unmarked jetliner the same day five American hostages were released from Iranian custody did not amount to ransom.

Mason was speaking during his regular segment on this reporter’s talk radio program, “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio,” broadcast on New York’s AM 970 The Answer and NewsTalk 990 AM in Philadelphia. The recorded segment it set to air on Sunday night.

Mason contended Obama denied the ransom claims “because every time he tells another lie his poll numbers go up.”

He continued:

So he found out that lying is the best way to become a success in this country as a president. He’s now 53, 55%. And this is after he told 200 more lies. As soon as he tells the truth he is in trouble so he tells himself, the American people are either stupid or ignorant. And the truth is that he’s right. Because he becomes more popular every time he makes up another fake story.

Now who would believe that a normal person would hear about a guy who gave you 500 million dollars or four hundred million dollars, then the people were released and there’s no connection? And he says it with a straight face. As if he’s in a sanitarium. You would think he’s in an asylum.  You would never know he’s the head of a country. You would think he was talking to people who are in straitjackets. Because it’s inconceivable that he thinks that a normal person would believe it.

In his trademark Mason-esque fashion, the comedian went on to compare Obama’s ransom denial to a successful shirt store owner who denied that money had anything to do with the sale of a shirt:

If a guy has a shirt store. And he says the money has nothing to do with why people take my shirts. They don’t take my shirts because of the money. The money has nothing to do with it. They just happened to give me the money and they take the shirt. But the shirt has nothing to do with the money. They just happen to take a shirt. And there happens to be money. But there’s no connection between one and the other. As a matter of fact, I have a store that makes a profit.  It’s not because of money. The money has nothing to do with the store. It’s just a store and it takes in money. But the money and the store, they have nothing to do with each other. It just happens to work out that way.

Last week, the Wall Street, citing U.S. officials and others briefed on the operation, provided new details depicting what the newspaper has described as a “tightly scripted exchange specifically timed to the release of several American prisoners held in Iran.”

For weeks, the Obama administration denied the ransom claims, with President Obama himself stating, “we don’t pay ransom,” while describing the charges as “the manufacturing of outrage.”  

Last Thursday, following the Journal’s report, the administration acknowledged for the first time that the cash handoff was delayed several hours “to retain maximum leverage” while ensuring the American prisoners were released that same day.

The Journal’s new descriptions of the payment and the timing of the cash handoff raise questions about the relationship between the payment and the release of the American hostages on the same day in January.

Reports the Journal:

U.S. officials wouldn’t let Iranians take control of the money until a Swiss Air Force plane carrying three freed Americans departed from Tehran on Jan. 17, the officials said. Once that happened, an Iranian cargo plane was allowed to bring the cash back from a Geneva airport that day, according to the accounts.

Those briefed on the operation related that the pallets filled with $400 million in foreign currency were flown on an Iran Air cargo jet that had been loaded with the cash in Geneva and was awaiting instructions to depart.

The Journal report continued:

Once the Americans were “wheels up” on the morning of Jan. 17, Iranian officials in Geneva were allowed to take custody of the $400 million in currency, according to officials briefed on the exchange.

…Lawmakers are concerned the IRGC may have gained control of the cash once in Tehran. U.S. officials said they are not certain how Iran has used the $400 million that was returned.

Aaron Klein is Breitbart’s Jerusalem bureau chief and senior investigative reporter. He is a New York Times bestselling author and hosts the popular weekend talk radio program, “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio.” Follow him on Twitter @AaronKleinShow. Follow him on Facebook.


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